

Application of OSCE with Double Subjects Co-cultivation in Nursing Soft Skill Training
摘要 调研了我院2018级护理专业学生的护理软技能现状及认知需求,并采取双主体共育OSCE模式对护生进行护理软技能培训。结果表明,93.8%的护生认为自身有必要进行有效的护理软技能培训,经过双主体共育OSCE护理软技能培训后,实验组干预后在人际关系技能、职业情操、认知技能及护理软技能总分均有所提高,与干预前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);同时干预后对实验组和对照组的护理软技能水平进行比较,发现实验组在人际关系技能、职业情操、认知技能维度和护理软技能总分方面均高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),说明院校双主体共育OSCE模式有利于提升护生的护理软技能水平。 This study investigates the current situation and cognitive needs of nursing soft skills among nursing students in grade 2018 in our college,and adopts the double-subject co-cultivation OSCE model to train nursing soft skills for nursing students.The results show that 93.8%of the nursing students believe that it is necessary to conduct effective nursing soft skill training.After the double-subject co-cultivation OSCE for nursing soft skill training,the experimental group improves in interpersonal skills,occupational sentiment,cognitive skills and total score of nursing soft skills after intervention,and the difference is statistically significant compared with before intervention(P<0.05).At the same time,after intervention,the soft skills of the experimental group and the control group are compared,and it is found that the experimental group is higher than the control group in interpersonal skills,professional sentiment,cognitive skills dimensions and total scores of soft skills of nursing,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).It indicates that double-subject co-cultivation OSCE model is conducive to improving the nursing soft skills of nursing students.
作者 王利平 刘雪琴 WANG Liping;LIU Xueqin(Department of Medical Nursing,Jiyuan Vocational and Technical College,Jiyuan 459000,Henan)
出处 《济源职业技术学院学报》 2020年第4期64-70,共7页 Journal of Jiyuan Vocational and Technical College
基金 河南省卫健委项目(Wjlx2019233) 济源市科技攻关项目(19023029)。
关键词 双主体共育 OSCE 护理软技能 double-subject co-cultivation OSCE nursing soft skills
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