

Simulation and verification of civil aircraft airborne runway incursion alerting system
摘要 民用飞机在低能见度的机场跑道滑行时,存在发生跑道入侵的风险。国内外民航史记载了数次因跑道入侵事件导致的飞机在机场地面相撞而机毁人亡的严重事故。近年来,越来越多的人选择飞机作为长途出行的交通工具,使得全球大型国际机场的年吞吐量剧增,导致跑道入侵事件时有发生。各国民用航空管理组织对跑道入侵事件的关注度持续上升,航空公司需要在机上安装一套地面避撞系统,来避免跑道入侵事件的发生。本验证项目基于某大型机场的动态地图建立了一个机载跑道入侵预警系统原型,建立了飞机在机场滑行的平面四向运动模型,设定了不同安全等级的跑道入侵预警算法,定义了多种飞机跑道入侵场景,最终在MATLAB/Simulink和FlightGear中进行二维平面仿真和三维立体仿真,验证了系统解决方案的有效性和算法的正确性。 Runway incursion might occur while civil aircraft taxiing on airport surface with low visibility.The history of civil aviation at home and abroad has recorded several catastrophic accident which caused many deaths due to runway incursion when taxiing.In recent years,more and more people choose airplanes to make long-distance transportation.Therefore,the annual throughput of the huge airport hub has increased significantly,which leads to more occurrence of runway incursion.The civil aircraft authorities for each country pay increased attention on runway incursion events,while airliners request to install a set of airport surface collision avoidance system to avoid the occurrence of runway incursion.This program established a prototype of airborne runway incursion alerting system based on a large airport moving map,set up a four headings moving aircraft module.Hierachical runway incursion alerting algorithm has been developed and multiple intruder scenario has been introduced in this system.Both 2 D and 3 D simulation have been conducted in MATLAB/Simulink and FlightGear.The effectiveness of the system solution and the correctness of the algorithm have been verified finally.
作者 廖凯 LIAO Kai(Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute,Shanghai 201210,China)
出处 《民用飞机设计与研究》 2020年第4期112-116,共5页 Civil Aircraft Design & Research
关键词 低能见度 跑道入侵 预警 动态地图 仿真 验证 low visibility runway incursion alerting airport moving map simulation verification
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