
精准农业无线传感器网络协议研究 被引量:5

Research of precision agriculture WSN protocols
摘要 精准农业无线传感器网络(PAWSN, precision agriculture wireless sensor network)是一个全新的研究领域,PAWSN与智慧农业的发展进程密切相关,引起了该领域学者的关注。首先,分析了PAWSN的关键技术。然后,根据关键技术的本质和特征进行了分类,并根据分类框架详细阐述了PAWSN关键技术中最重要的网络协议即介质访问控制(MAC, media access control)协议与路由协议的优缺点。最后,指明了PAWSN协议亟待解决的问题与解决思路。所提方案的研究目的在于为PAWSN协议跨层集成优化设计提高PAWSN整体性能提供思路,进而提高PAWSN在智慧农业中的使用率,最终推动智慧农业的发展。 The precision agriculture wireless sensor network(PAWSN) is a new research field. PAWSN is related to the development process of the smart agriculture, which has attracted the attention of scholars in the smart agriculture field. The key technology of PAWSN was analyzed, and then was classified according to its nature and characteristics, with detailed description of the merit and demerit of MAC layer protocol and routing protocol which was the most important network protocol of PAWSN key technology based on the classification framework. Finally, the problems needed to be solved and the solution ideas of PAWSN network protocol were pointed out. This study was aimed to make a cross-layer integrated optimization design for the PAWSN network protocol, improve the whole performance and the utilization ratio of PAWSN in smart agriculture, and promote the development of smart agriculture.
作者 杨金凤 王骥 YANG Jinfeng;WANG Ji(Department of Information Engineering,Guangdong Institute of Arts and Sciences,Zhanjiang 524088,China;College of Electronics and Information Engineering,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,China;Research Center of Guangdong Smart Oceans Sensor Networks and Equipment Engineering,Zhanjiang 524088,China)
出处 《物联网学报》 2020年第4期62-69,共8页 Chinese Journal on Internet of Things
基金 广东省创新强校重点项目(No.GDOU2017052602) 广东省普通高校重点领域专项--新一代信息技术(No.2020ZDZX3008) 广东普通高校人工智能领域专项重点项目(No.2019KZDX1047) 广东大学生科技创新培育专项资金项目(No.PDJH2020A0270)。
关键词 无线传感器网络 精准农业 路由协议 介质访问控制协议 跨层设计 wireless sensor network(WSN) precision agriculture routing protocol media access control protocol cross-layer design
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