
接种量对花绒寄甲繁殖的影响 被引量:2

Effect of inoculation density on reproductive efficiency of Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire(Coleoptera:Bothrideridae)
摘要 释放花绒寄甲防治天牛已成为重要手段,而繁殖花绒寄甲时,接种花绒寄甲幼虫到大麦虫蛹体时,控制合适的接种量是提高花绒寄甲繁殖数量和质量的关键技术。本研究通过在替代寄主上人工接种不同数量的花绒寄甲幼虫,观察其发育情况及其子代数量、质量等指标,明确最佳接种量。结果表明:随着接种量的增加,花绒寄甲幼虫历期和蛹历期明显缩短,其中接种4头/个和6头/个,幼虫历期为13 d,蛹历期为33 d,而接种14头/个和16头/个时,幼虫历期短于12 d,蛹历期明显缩短为28~29 d。花绒寄甲结茧数随接种量增加而增加,接种数为16头/个时,结茧数最多,接近7个。花绒寄甲结茧率随着接种量增多而降低,4头/个时,结茧率最高为72.3%。接种量对花绒寄甲子代个体数量和大小均有显著影响,其中接种8头/个时,羽化数平均为4.3头,显著高于接种4头/个(羽化数平均为2.8头),明显低于接种16头/个(羽化数平均为6.9头)。接种量为4头/个和6头/个时,子代成虫个体最大,单头重平均每头可达0.035 g,接种量为8头/个时,成虫单头重平均每头0.032 g左右,接种量达到16头/个时,单头重最轻,为0.023 g。对花绒寄甲羽化率无显著影响,7个处理下子代羽化率均较高,平均在94.4%~100%。接种量越少,更利于花绒寄甲的生长发育,当接种量为4头/个时,花绒寄甲成虫发育最好,其子代个体最大,但子代数较少。因此,利用大麦虫蛹繁育花绒寄甲种虫时,最佳接种量为4头/个,而需要规模化繁育花绒寄甲作为天敌使用时,综合考虑子代数量和质量以及经济成本,最佳接种量为8头/个。 Releasing Dastarcus helophoroides parasitoids to control longhorn beetle was an important way in China,and appropriate inoculation density was necessary for artificial propagation of D.helophoroides.The optimal inoculation density was determined by artificial inoculation of different densities of D.helophoroides larvae on alternative hosts and observed their developmental stage and offspring quality in this paper.The results showed that the larval stage and pupal stage of the beetle was significantly shortened with the increase of inoculation density,the larval stage and pupal stage was 13 days and 33 days respectively when 4 larvae or 6 larvae were inoculated.But the larval stage was less than 12 days,and the pupal stage was shortened to 28~29 days when 14 larvae or 16 larvae were inoculated.The number of cocoons were increased with the increase of inoculation density,when 16 larvae were inoculated,the number of cocoons was up to 7 at most,but the cocooning rate of the beetles was decreased with the increase of inoculation quantity,and the highest rate was 72.3%when 4 larvae were inoculated.The number and size of D.helophoroides offspring had a significant relationship with the inoculation density,and the average number of D.helophoroides offspring was 4.3 adults when 8 larvae were inoculated,and the average number was significant increase to 6.9 adults when 16 larvae were inoculated,and when 4 larvae were inoculated,the average number was significant decreased to 2.8 adults.The single adult weight was 0.035 g when 4 larvae or 6 larvae were inoculated,and when 8 larvae were inoculated,the weight decreased to 0.032 g,and when 16 were inoculated,the weight was reduced up to minimum only 0.023 g.The emergence rate of D.helophoroides pupa was from 94.4%to 100%in 7 tested treatments.Generally,the number of inoculated larvae were less,the body size of the offspring adult was larger,so if in order to get the breeding adult,the best inoculation density was 4 larvae one host,but if to get more adult to release in the field,the best inoculation number was 8 larvae.
作者 唐艳龙 王丽娜 何浪群 张彦龙 王小艺 杨忠岐 TANG Yan-Long;WANG Li-Na;HE Lang-Qun;ZHANG Yan-Long;WANG Xiao-Yi;YANG Zhong-Qi(College of Biology and Agriculture,Zunyi Normal University/Laboratory of Regional Characteristic for Conservation and Utilization of Plant Resource in Chishui River Basin,Zunyi 563002,Guizhou Province,China;Research Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry/Key Laboratory of Forest Protection of National Forestry and Grassland Administration,Beijing 100091,China)
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1458-1463,共6页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFC1200400) 遵义师范学院博士基金(遵师BS[2017]05号) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(CAFYBB2018SZ006-3)。
关键词 花绒寄甲 接种量 子代数量 子代质量 Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire inoculation number offspring adult number offspring quality
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