

Design and Implementation of Power Video Surveillance Network Based on Cloud Computing Technology
摘要 云计算技术的成熟与应用,为电力监控系统的优化提供了方向。在社会经济发展和科学技术进步的共同作用下,当前电力体系已经逐渐成熟,但具有繁杂运行结构和管理行为的传统电力监控系统已经逐渐无法满足当前电力系统的实际需要。在计算机网络技术的支持下,云计算平台下的电力视频监控系统应运而生。它能够有效管理监控产生的各项信息,保障电力体系有序运行。因此,为设计与实现基于云计算技术的电力视频监控网络,展开了对视频监控网络结构设计和功能的一系列探究,以期为电力监控系统的发展提供理论参考。 The maturity and application of cloud computing technology provides a direction for the optimization of power monitoring system.At the same time,the power system has gradually become more and more complex and complex,but the power system has been unable to meet the needs of the development of the current power system.With the support of computer network technology,the power video monitoring system based on cloud computing platform emerges as the times require.It can effectively manage the information generated by monitoring and ensure the orderly operation of the power system.Based on this,in order to design and implement the power video monitoring network based on cloud computing technology,a series of research on the structure design and function of the video monitoring network is carried out,in order to provide theoretical reference for the development of power monitoring system.
作者 刘晓焜 张长青 宋超 LIU Xiaokun;ZHANG Changqing;SONG Chao(National Network Gansu Electric Power Company Marketing Service Center,Lanzhou 730030,China;Gansu Tongxing Intelligent Technology Development Co.,Ltd.,Lanzhou 730050,China)
出处 《通信电源技术》 2020年第18期124-126,共3页 Telecom Power Technology
关键词 云计算技术 电力视频监控 故障管理 cloud computing technology power video surveillance fault management
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