
毛德西治疗不寐八法 被引量:3

Mao Dexi′s Eight Methods of Treating Insomnia
摘要 毛德西教授治疗不寐八法:阴血不足、热扰心神者,养阴血、清热安神,方以酸枣仁汤加减;心肾不交、水火不济者,交通心肾、清心安神,方以交泰丸加减;痰浊蒙窍、气机逆乱者,化湿理气、开窍醒神,方以十味温胆汤加减;气血亏虚、心神失养者,健脾益气、养血安神,方以归脾汤加减;血脉瘀滞、心神不安者,活血祛瘀、行气安神,方以血府逐瘀汤或癫狂梦醒汤加减;肝失疏泄、气机郁结者,疏肝理气、解郁安神,方以疏调汤加减;邪热内踞、扰乱心神者,清热祛邪、镇静安神,方以柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤加减;阴虚火旺、热扰心神者,滋阴清热、泻火安神,方以黄连阿胶汤加减。 Professor Mao Dexi′s eight methods for treating insomnia:For those with insufficient yin and blood and heat disturbing the mind,it should be treated with nourishing yin and blood,clearing away heat and tranquillization,and modified Suanzaoren Decoction can be used.For those with disharmony between heart and kidney,and water-fire imbalance,it should be treated with restoring normal coordination between heart and kidney,clearing away heat and tranquillization,and modified Jiaotai Pill can be used.For those with turbid phlegm obscuring orifices,and qi movement being in disorder,it should be treated with dissolving dampness and regulating qi,inducing resuscitation,and modified Shiwei Wendan Decoction can be used.For those with deficiency of qi and blood and loss nourishing of heart and mind,it should be treated with invigorating spleen and replenishing qi,nourishing blood and calming mind,and modified Guipi Decoction can be used.For those with deficiency of qi and blood and loss of heart and mind,it should be treated with invigorating spleen and replenishing qi,nourishing blood and tranquillization,and modified Guipi Decoction can be used.For those with blood stasis and uneasy mind,it should be treated with activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis,promoting qi and tranquilizing the mind,and Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction or Diankuang Mengxing Decoction can be used.For those with failure of liver to convey and disperse and qi stagnation,it should be treated with relieving the liver qi and regulating qi,relieving depression and tranquilizing the mind,and modified Shutiao Decoction can be used.For those with heat being trapped inside and disturbing the mind,it should be treated with clearing away the heat and expeling the heat,and calming the mind,and modified Chaihu and Longgu Muli Decoction can be used.For those with yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity and heat disturbing mind,it should be treated with nourishing yin and clearing heat,purging fire and calming mind,and modified Huanglian Ejiao Decoction can be used.
作者 曾垂义 牛琳琳 ZENG Chuiyi;NIU Linlin(Henan Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou Henan China 450002;The First Affliated Hospital to Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou Henan China 450000)
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2021年第1期114-117,共4页 Acta Chinese Medicine
基金 全国名中医传承工作室建设项目{国中医药办人教函[2018]119号} 第六批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承项目{国中医药人教发[2017]29号}。
关键词 不寐 安神 毛德西 insomnia tranquillization Mao Desi
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