对于走过“十三五”、正筑梦“十四五”的造纸企业来说,生产过程中的节能减排已经从被动遵从升华到主动提升,可以说目前的造纸行业,不缺市场,缺的是具有市场竞争力的节能减排技术,缺的是烙有自主创新拥有自己D N A的优良产品。在这样的市场背景下,好的技术和产品总是能快速的引起关注,就像在第十一届中华纸业浆纸技术论坛上的一个来自欧佩德伺服电机节能的技术报告,该报告为造纸行业带来了一个新的名词—— 伺服电机,瞬间便抓住了在座嘉宾的注意力,何为伺服电机?伺服电机与传统电机有何不同?伺服电机真的能助力“全球节能纸机领导者”的生产吗?......
Mr. Shi Huashan, Chairman of OPD Servo Motor & Energy-Saving System Co. Ltd. (OPD), gave a speech on “China Pulp and Paper Technology Forum 2020” and briefed us the application of servo motor in pulp and paper industry.His introduction of servo motor is so attracted and drew widespread attention in the meeting. In order to furtherunderstand the servo motor technology, we interviewed Mr. Shi and talked with him about the application of servomotor and his own stories in the paper industry.
China Pulp & Paper Industry