Similarity can reflect common laws in the mechanism of rigid-body penetration.In this paper,the similarities in rigid-body penetration depth are demonstrated by three non-dimensional but physically meaningful quantities,i.e.,ρkinetic,I∗ln and N′1.These three quantities represent the non-dimensional areal density of projectile kinetic energy,the effect of nose geometry,and the friction at the interactive cross section between projectile and target respectively.It is shown that experimental data of rigid projectile penetration,from shallow to deep penetration,can be uniquely unified by these three similarity quantities and their relationships.Furthermore,for ogival nose projectiles,their penetration capacities are dominated byρkinetic,which is consisted by non-dimensional effective length Leff and non-dimensional quantity Dpn=ρpv20AY which has the same form as Johnson’s damage number.On the sacrifice of minor theoretical accuracy,the non-dimensional penetration depth P/d can be understood as directly controlled by Dpn,enhanced by projectile effective length Leff under a multiplication relation,and optimized by projectile nose geometry in the formation of I∗ln.
The first author would like to acknowledge the scholarship granted by the China Scholarship Council and the support from the Institute of Chemical Materials,CAEP.The authors greatly appreciate financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grants 11702266,11972329,51703211,and 11902301).