

From folk tradition to modern sports:based on the exploration of identity upgrading of Jiaxing bullfight rodeo
摘要 近十余年来,全国范围内非物质文化遗产保护工作的火热开展为包括民族传统体育竞技在内的诸多文化项目提供了发展契机,同时也在一定程度上冲击和改变了项目原有的形态。国家级非遗项目嘉兴掼牛便是这其中较为典型的一个例子——它在当下的寻路与发展,正是处于非遗框架的重新定义、大众的“他者化”凝视、自身身份迭新等因素相互影响的复杂过程中。通过长期的民族志观察可以发现,嘉兴掼牛与当下生活的接洽之处,实则蕴含于其不囿于“非遗”概念的传统竞技与表演属性当中。随着非遗保护政策的推进与完善,嘉兴掼牛也经历了对自己身份迭新过程的再度审视和重新认知。在众声喧哗的当下社会,把握并彰显项目固有的文化特质、寻找其自身与现代文明的接洽之处,或可成为同类传统项目较为恰适的发展路径。 In the past ten years,the nationwide protection of intangible cultural heritage has provided huge opportunities for many cultural projects,including traditional ethnic sports;on the other hand,it also impacts and changes the original forms of such projects to a certain extent.A typical example is Jiaxing bullfight rodeo,a national intangible cultural heritage.Its current path-searching and development shows the complex process of interacting with various elements,such as the redefinition of the framework of intangible cultural heritage,the public’s“other”gaze,and the loss and search of its own identity.Through the long-term ethnographic observation,it can be found that the connection between Jiaxing bullfight rodeo and current life actually lies in its traditional competitive and performative attributes,which go beyond the concept of“intangible cultural heritage”.In the hustle and bustle of today’society,it may be a suitable development path for similar traditional projects to grasp and highlight their inherent cultural features,and find the connection between the projects and modern civilization.
作者 梁珊珊 LIANG Shanshan(College of International Education,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China)
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第1期22-28,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家哲学社会科学重大攻关项目“中国民俗学学科建设与理论创新研究”(16ZDA162)。
关键词 嘉兴掼牛竞技 非物质文化遗产 身份迭新 Jiaxing bullfight rodeo intangible cultural heritage identity upgrading
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