Based on a full study of the development characteristics of the socialinteraction ability of children with mental retardation and of AR/VR technology as a teaching medium,the researcherbelieves that AR/VR technology can be used as a teaching medium to enhance the teaching effect in the cultivation of the social interaction ability of children with mental retardation.The specific explorationsare as follows:firstly,AR/VR technology can be used to create a virtual simulation interaction situation with multi-role participation centered on mentally retarded children,which can change the attitude of these children in learning social interaction skills,reverse their suspicious and sensitive mentality and promote them to actively interact with others;secondly,AR/VR technology is applied to create a virtual simulation environment suitable for mentally retarded children to learn social interaction skills with three advantages of"makingthe abstract content intuitive and the internal thinking explicit,so that the learning content is more suitable for the thinking characteristics of children with mental retardation;having the continuous and fast interaction processsegmented after reducing the speed so that the learning content is more suitable for the small steps of children withmental retardation;highlighting the classification of key interaction skillsto underline the perceived objectsto make the learning content more suitable for the repeated perception of children with mental retardation",so as to make the learning content more suitable for the thinking level and learning characteristics of children with mental retardation,and alsohelp themfind their own learning rhythm.
ZHANG Lanxiang(School of Educational Science,Nanjing Normal University of Special Education Nanjing 210038)
Modern Special Education