

Spread and influence of Newly Compiled Documentary Book in the Korean Peninsula:Based on the perspective of compilation of Chinese martial arts books in Korean
摘要 《纪效新书》是明代的重要武术书籍,对东北亚武艺发展产生了深远影响。国内外学界虽有涉及《纪效新书》在朝鲜传播的研究,但缺少版本考证、偏重于军事与兵制,且存有错谬之处。为探明《纪效新书》在朝鲜半岛传播的时间、路径、背景及对朝鲜汉文武籍编撰产生的影响,经由古朝鲜史料的文献学分析和历史考证可知:《纪效新书》在万历援朝战争时期,通过购书和赠书等途径传播至朝鲜,十四卷本先行传入,朝鲜以其为基础编撰了《武艺诸谱》。十八卷本其后传入,所载《拳经捷要》篇被朝鲜摘抄成《拳谱》,经修订完善后辑于《武艺诸谱翻译续集》。《纪效新书》东传朝鲜半岛后,其武艺内容被全盘吸收,编撰格式被模仿借鉴,武艺思想被继承发扬,成为朝鲜汉文武籍编撰的重要参考,是朝鲜体认中华武艺精髓与奥义的上源活水。 Newly Compiled Documentary Book is an important martial arts book in the Ming dynasty,which has a profound influence on the development of martial arts in northeast Asia.Scholars at home and abroad have studied the spread of the Book in North Korea,putting emphasis on military and military system,lack of textual research and with many inauthentic aspects.In order to understand the time,path and background of the dissemination of the Book in the Korean peninsula and its influence on the compilation of Korean martial arts books written in Chinese,this paper put forward the following conclusion based on the documentary analysis and historical textual research of ancient Korean historical records:The Book was spread to North Korea through book purchasing and donating during the war of supporting North Korea during the Wanli years of the Qing Dynasty.A set with 14 books was introduced first,and North Korea compiled"Martial Arts Movement"based on it.A set with 18 books was introduced later.Abstract of Fist Moves was excerpted by North Korea into Fist Moves and edited into Sequel to Translation of Various Moves of Martial Arts after revision and improvement.After the Book was introduced into the Korean peninsula,its martial arts content was fully absorbed,the compiled format was imitated and used for reference,and martial arts thought was inherited and developed,which became an important reference for the compilation of Korean Chinese translated martial arts books.North Korea also admitted that the essence of Chinese martial arts art was its source.
作者 蔡艺 李青 CAI Yi;LI Qing(School of P.E., Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412008, Hunan, China)
出处 《山东体育科技》 2020年第6期22-27,共6页 Shandong Sports Science & Technology
关键词 武术史 《纪效新书》 朝鲜 武术古籍 martial arts history Newly Compiled Documentary Book North Korea ancient martial arts books
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