

Confucian“Cosmopolitanism”and the“State Religion”--An Analysis of Newly Discovered Writings by Kang Youwei in Canada in 1899
摘要 笔者在近来的研究中发现康有为1899年两次访问加拿大期间所遗两篇佚文及另外一篇疑似由他代笔的保皇会文献,不仅可以弥补目前有关研究中文献资料的重要空白,而且可以帮助回答康氏与孔教之间关系的一些关键问题,并启发对其孔教“世界主义”思想及其“国教”运动进行探讨的新见解。通过对于康氏佚文的考证和分析并结合有关文献进行研究,可知他所追求的孔教“世界主义”并不限于以往学者所关注的大同乌托邦理想,也包括他在早年就已提倡、并在加拿大首先付诸实践的为孔教而“传教”海外的行动策略。基于以孔教为中心的世界主义,康氏在戊戌变法前后曾提出具有强烈民族主义色彩的“保教”与“保国、保种”并列的口号。但在1899年两次访问加拿大期间,他却因争取华人基督教徒对于改良运动的支持等实际政治考虑,提出在未来建立“无教界”的孔教世界理想,并在保皇会章程等文献中刻意避免使用针对基督教的“保教”口号。同时,他在加拿大所留的一篇佚文首先提出了尊孔教为“国教”以及影响这一宗教思想和运动后来发展的一系列主张。 In my recent research,I discovered two articles that were written by Kang Youwei during his two visits to Canada in 1899.Until now,their authorship had remained unknown to scholars.In addition,I found a long neglected document produced by the Society to Protect the Emperor(Baohuanghui)that was probably written by Kang as well.These new discoveries not only fill an important gap in historical documents for research on Kang Youwei,but also help answer a few key questions about Kang’s relationship with Confucian religion and shed new light on his Confucian“cosmopolitan”thought and the“State-Religion”movement under his influence.Through textual analysis of these long neglected writings of Kang Youwei and research on related documents,it is clear that Kang’s Confucian“cosmopolitanism”included not only his utopian ideas about a society of great unity(datong),as previous studies have long claimed,but also his active strategy of“disseminating Confucian religion”overseas,as he proposed in his early years and first practiced in Canada.Based on the Confucianism-centered cosmopolitanism,he further presented a nationalistic slogan of“protecting Confucian religion”together with that of“protecting China’s nation and the Chinese race”around the time of the 1898 Reform.However,during his two visits to Canada in 1899,he instead developed the cosmopolitan vision of“removing religious boundaries”among a Confucian world in the future and deliberately avoided using the slogan of“protecting Confucian religion”against Christianity in his writings,especially those for the Society to Protect the Emperor,for the purpose of bringing Chinese Christians into his reformist movement.One of the newly discovered writings of Kang also proposed to promote the Confucian“State Religion”and a series of related ideas that would deeply influence this religious ideology and movement in the future.
作者 陈忠平 CHEN Zhong-ping(Department of History,University of Victoria,Victoria V8W3P4,Canada)
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 2021年第1期43-52,共10页 Qilu Journal
关键词 康有为 孔教 世界主义 国教 加拿大 Kang Youwei Confucian religion cosmopolitanism state religion Canada
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