

Analysis on clinical manifestations and laboratory examination results of 17 patients with COVID-19 in Guang′an City Sichuan Province
摘要 目的分析四川省广安市新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)确诊患者的临床表现与实验室检查结果,以提高该市对COVID-19的诊治水平。方法收集该院17例COVID-19确诊患者资料,回顾性分析其流行病学史、临床表现、实验室和影像学检查结果,以及治疗转归。结果17例确诊患者中男8例,女9例;平均年龄(45.8±13.8)岁;普通型10例,重型3例,危重型4例。13例患者有明确的流行病学史,其中7例由武汉返乡,6例有确诊患者接触史。14例(82.4%)患者出现发热症状,其他主要症状包括咳嗽(76.5%)、呼吸困难(47.1%)、畏寒(29.4%)等。16例(94.1%)患者白细胞计数正常,11例(64.7%)患者淋巴细胞计数降低;CT表现多为单侧或双侧的磨玻璃影。17例患者均采用干扰素治疗,其中16例患者采用了中药治疗,4例危重型患者使用了糖皮质激素。患者平均住院天数为(23.8±8.9)d,病毒核酸平均转阴天数为(20.1±10.1)d。17例患者均好转出院。结论该市COVID-19患者多为输入性病例,临床分型以普通型为主;发热、咳嗽、淋巴细胞计数降低、CT表现为磨玻璃影是该病的主要临床特点。 Objective To analyze the clinical manifestations and laboratory detection results of definitely diagnosed cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19)in Guang′an City of Sichuan Province in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment level of COVID-19 in this city.Methods The data of definitely diagnosed COVID-19 cases in this hospital were collected and their epidemiological history,clinical features,laboratory tests,imageological examination results and treatment outcomes were retrospectively analyzed.Results Among 17 cases of definitely diagnosed COVID-19,there were 8 males and 9 females,median age of(45.8±13.8)years old,including 10 cases of common type,3 cases of severe type and 4 cases of critical type.Thirteen cases had a clear epidemiological history,in which 7 cases were returned to their hometowns from Wuhan,6 cases had the history of close contact with the confirmed COVID-19 patients.Fourteen cases(82.4%)appeared the fever symptom,and the other main symptoms included cough(76.5%),dyspnea(47.1%),chilly(29.4%).Sixteen cases(94.1%)had normal white blood cells count,11 cases(64.7%)had the decrease of lymphocytes count.CT manifested by the ground glass opacity in single side or both sides.Seventeen cases all were treated with interferon,among them 16 cases adopted the Chinese medicine treatment.Four cases of critical type used the glucocorticoid.The average hospitalization days of the patients were(23.8±8.9)d,average negative conversion days were(20.1±10.1)d.Seventeen cases all were improved and discharged form hospital.Conclusion The patients with COVID-19 in this city are the imported cases.The clinical classification is mainly common type.Fever,cough,lymphocytes count decrease and ground glass opacity in CT are the main clinical features of the disease.
作者 苏惠婷 温晓峥 SU Huiting;WEN Xiaozheng(Department of Clinical Laboratory,Guang′an Municipal People′s Hospital,Guang′an,Sichuan 638000,China)
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2021年第2期218-221,共4页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 新型冠状病毒 实验室检查 Coronavirus Disease 2019 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavius 2 laboratory examination
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