

Targets and tasks of China's soil erosion comprehensive supervision and its approaching way in the New Era
摘要 近年来,水土保持工作将重心切实转变到监管上来,多措并举,强力推进,明显提升政府公共服务和社会治理能力。但在土壤流失监管方面,仍存在监管工作覆盖度不完整、监测数据深度分析不充分以及监测成果应用效能低等问题。本文从政府决策、经济社会发展和社会公众对水土保持工作的需求出发,全面分析土壤流失综合监管的含义、工作流程、目标任务与主要任务实施的空间、时间和组织方案。认为:土壤流失综合监管是一个由“监”和“管”2个递进的环节构成的闭环,各项任务及其技术保障应形成合力、共同服务于推进土壤流失监管体系更加成熟、监管能力更加现代化。 [Background]The essence of soil erosion supervision is to adjust human behavior and correct human improper behavior to control soil and water loss.The work focus of China water and soil conservation has tended to soil erosion supervision since 2018,and the ability of public service and social governance has been improved obviously,but the contradiction between insufficient of soil erosion supervision and social demand is prominent day by day.[Methods]Based on the experiences and lessons of soil erosion supervision and research on monitoring of soil and water conservation,according to the demand for soil and water conservation in social and economic development,government decision and public activities,this paper comprehensively analyzed the meaning and work flow of soil erosion supervision,and put forward the targets and tasks of soil erosion supervision and its realization way.[Results]The targets of soil erosion supervision include exploring and discovering soil erosion and its influencing factors,evaluation and prediction soil loss and the harmfulness,demonstration on prevention and management of soil and water loss,supervision and law enforcement to prevent artificial soil loss.The soil erosion supervision contains seven tasks,which could be implemented by spatial organization,time organization and organizational implementation,and improvement of national standards,popularization and application of modern space technology,construction and application of information system and construction of supervision team can provide important technical support for the soil erosion supervision.[Conclusions]This paper point out that soil erosion comprehensive supervision should be a closed-loop system which consists of data acquisition and analysis and its application to soil erosion comprehensive supervision,all the tasks and technical support measures should make concerted efforts in promoting soil erosion supervision system becoming more mature,and this research can provide a reference for governments at all levels in soil erosion comprehensive supervision.
作者 李智广 王永胜 LI Zhiguang;WANG Yongsheng(The Center of Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring, Ministry of Water Resources, 100055, Beijing, China;Beijing Datum Technology Development Co., Ltd., 100084, Beijing, China)
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期99-104,共6页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家重点研发计划课题“生态治理与生态文明建设生态技术筛选配置与试验示范”(2016YFC0503705) 全国水土流失动态监测项目和国家水土保持监测点优化布局项目(126216229000180001)。
关键词 土壤流失监管 目标 任务 实施方案 技术保障 soil erosion supervision target task implementing scheme technical support measures
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