

A Brief Research on the Worship of Chenlin in Western Guangdong Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要 陈璘是明代著名的抗倭英雄,在万历壬辰之战中为中朝联合抗倭取得胜利立下了汗马功劳。其实,在此之前,陈璘主要在广东粤西地区活动,为这一多民族的区域的稳定与建设立下了汗马功劳。万历四年,陈璘以副总兵官的身份对粤西罗旁瑶剿抚并用,亲自规划设立了罗定、东安、西宁一州二县,及其围绕一州二县治所开展的基础建设,为粤西地区社会经济的发展奠定了重要基础。他尽管生长在广东翁源县,但他建功立业的重要时期和地域都在粤西,直到去世后,也最终归葬东安县,粤西地区已经成为他的第二故乡。正因为如此,粤西官民通过建立各种祠庙来祭奠他,民间社会还创造了不少与陈璘相关的传说故事。陈璘的历史功绩代代相传,至今仍受粤西地区人民的景仰。 Chenlin was a famous Anti Japanese hero in Ming Dynasty,who made great contributions to the victory of Sino Korean joint anti Japanese war in the Imjin War.In fact,before that,Chenlin was mainly active in the western region of Guangdong Province,making great contributions to the stability and construction of this multi-ethnic region.In the fourth year of Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty,Chenlin,as a deputy commander-in-chief,planned and established Luoding,Dong’an,Xining,one prefecture and two counties by himself.Besides,he developed the infrastructure construction around one prefecture and two counties,which laid an important foundation for the social and economic development of western Guangdong.Although he grew up in Wengyuan County,Guangdong Province,his achievements were made in the west of Guangdong Province.Until his death,he was finally buried in Dong’an County,which has been his second hometown.Just because of his contributions,various ancestral temples to commemorate him and plenty of legends related to Chenlin were created by the officials and the public in western Guangdong.Chenlin’s historical achievements have been handed down from generation to generation and he is still admired by the people in western Guangdong so far.
作者 刘正刚 陈吉梅 Liu Zhenggang;Chen Jimei(Institute of Ancient Books of Jinan University,Guangzhou Guangdong,510632)
出处 《地方文化研究》 2020年第5期56-61,共6页 Local Culture Research
关键词 明清时期 广东西部 陈璘 祠庙 Ming and Qing Dynasties Western Guangdong Chenlin Ancestral temples
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