3Thomas W. Waelde & George Ndi, Stabilizing International Investment Commitments: International Law versus Contract Interpretation,31 Tex. Intll L. J. p. 216.
4Rosalyn Higgins, The Taking of Property by the State:Recent Developments in International Law, 178 R. C. A. D. I. p 243 (1982 -III).
5International Financial Corporation, Stabilization Clauses and Human Rights :A research project conducted for IFC and the United Nations Special Representative to the Secretary General on Business and Human Rights.
6Thomas W. Waelde & George Ndi, Stabilizing International Investment Commitments: International Law versus Contract Interpretation,31 Tex. Intll L. J. p. 217.
7Thomas W. Waelde & George Ndi, Stabilizing International Investment Commitments: International Law versus Contract Interpretation,31 Tex. Intll L. J. p. 238.
8Lena Goldfields, Ltd.
9ICSID Case No. ARB/01/3.
10F. V. Carcia - Amador, State Responsibility in case of Stabilization Clause, 2J. Transnat' l & Pol' y, p. 38.