
农村社区教育培育新型职业农民的具身转向 被引量:5

Embodied Shift on Cultivation of New Professional Farmers in Rural Community Education
摘要 新型职业农民的培育规模与质量是制约乡村振兴的主要瓶颈,高职扩招百万为农村社区教育培育新型职业农民注入了新的契机和动力。离身认知视角是农村社区教育培育农民的困境根源,具体包括:教学内容注重陈述性知识忽视程序性知识,教学方式注重理论讲授忽视实践体验,教学环境重视物理环境忽视教学情境,要突破此困境需要从离身认知转向具身认知。具身认知的核心意涵主要包括认知的具身性、体验性与环境性。具身认知视域下的农村社区教育应坚持立德树人,培育身心合一的新型职业农民;做到教学内容的具身性、教学方式的具身性、教学环境的具身性。 The scale and quality of new professional farmers'cultivation is the main bottleneck of rural revitalization.The expansion of higher vocational education has injected new opportunities and motivations into the cultivation of new professional farmers in rural community education.The perspective of detached cognition is the root of the dilemma of cultivating farmers in rural community education,including:the teaching content focuses on declarative knowledge and ignores procedural knowledge,the teaching method focuses on theory teaching and ignores practical reflections,the teaching environment emphasizes physical environment and ignores teaching situations.To break through this dilemma,we need to shift from detached cognition to embodied cognition.The core meaning of embodied cognition mainly includes embodied cognition,experiential cognition and environmental cognition.From the perspective of embodied cognition,rural community education should adhere to moral education,cultivate new professional farmers and achieve the embodiment of teaching content,teaching method and teaching environment.
作者 杨海华 闫孟宇 殷慧雅 YANG Haihua;YAN Mengyu;YIN Huiya(Jiangsu University of Technology,Changzhou Jiangsu 213001;Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330013)
出处 《当代职业教育》 2021年第1期59-65,共7页 Contemporary Vocational Education
基金 2017年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“政府购买农村社区教育服务项目制模型构建及实施策略研究”(编号:17YJC880115) 四川广播电视大学2018—2019年重点科研课题“乡村振兴战略下农村职业教育发展的机遇与挑战”(编号:KTNCJJ2018001Z)。
关键词 具身认知 农村社区教育 新型职业农民 离身性 embodied cognition rural community education new professional farmers detachment
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