
显示界面空间属性对眼控交互的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Spatial Attributes of Display Interface on Eye Control Interaction
摘要 目的研究显示界面中图标的布局、尺寸和间距3种空间属性对眼控交互效率的影响。方法12名受试者完成眼控交互图标点击实验,选取图标的3种布局(横向、方形、纵向)、5种尺寸(1.0°、1.5°、2.0°、2.5°、3.0°)、4种间距(图形尺寸的0.25、0.50、0.75、1.00)作为实验变量,通过方差分析和LSD检验对各因素下受试者的平均反应时间(RT)和误操作率(MR)进行统计分析。结果图标横向布局的RT明显小于纵向布局,且方形布局的RT最小;随着图标尺寸和图标间距的增大,RT均呈现减小趋势,且二者的趋势在图形尺寸大于2.0°后都表现不明显;图标横向布局的MR明显高于纵向布局,但方形布局的MR最高;随着图标尺寸和图标间距的增大,MR均呈现上升趋势,二者的趋势在大于图形尺寸的0.5后表现不明显,但图标间距对MR的影响作用不明显。结论显示界面图标的空间属性对眼控交互有重要影响,眼控交互显示界面的设计中图标面板应选用横向布局,图标尺寸和图标间距适中即可。 Objective To investigate the effects of 3spatial attributes of the layout,the size,and the spacing of icons in the display interface on the efficiency of eye control interactions.Methods Twelve subjects completed the icon click experiment by eye control interactions.Three layouts(horizontal,square,vertical),5sizes(1.0°,1.5°,2.0°,2.5°,3.0°),and 4spacings(0.25,0.50,0.75,1.0 times the size of the figure)of the icons were selected as experimental variables.The reaction time(RT)and misoperation rate(MR)of 12subjects were analyzed for each factor by variance analysis and LSD test.Results The RT of the icon’s horizontal layout was significantly smaller than that of the vertical layout,and the RT of the square layout was the smallest.With the increase of icon size and icon spacing,RT showed a decreasing trend,and the trend of both was not obvious in the later period.The MR of the icon’s horizontal layout was significantly smaller than that of the vertical layout,and the MR of the square layout was the highest.With the increase of icon size and icon spacing,RT showed a decreasing trend,and the trend of both was not obvious in the later period.However,the effect of icon spacing on MR was not obvious.Conclusion The spatial attributes of the icons on the display interface had significant effect on the eye control interactions.In the design of the eye-control interactive display interface,the icon panel should adopt a horizontal layout,and the icon size and icon spacing could be moderate.
作者 朱富丽 杨磊 姬波 Zhu Fuli;Yang Lei;Ji Bo(Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy,Zhengzhou Henan 450044,China;不详)
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期491-496,共6页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目(61502434) 河南省高等职业学校青年骨干教师培养计划(2019GZGG074) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(20B880007)。
关键词 显示界面 空间属性 眼控交互 眼动追踪 display interface spatial attributes eye control interaction eye tracking
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