
贫困地区农户因灾致贫与政策性农业保险精准扶贫 被引量:30

Poverty-stricken Farmers in Poverty-stricken Areas and Poverty-relieving Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance
摘要 本文通过对贫困地区农村居民的收入水平和收入结构进行分析发现,相较东部经济发达地区以工资性收入为主的农户而言,以农业经营性收入作为家庭主要收入来源的贫困地区农户受自然灾害的影响更大,发生因灾致贫和因灾返贫的可能性也更高。模拟测算结果表明,较高保障水平的农业保险能够显著提升遭受自然灾害冲击后贫困地区农户的可支配收入,达到帮助因灾致贫、返贫农户实现精准脱贫的政策效果,同时也能够缩小东、西部地区农户之间的收入差距。然而,由于农业产值在国民生产总值中的比重仍然较高,而地方一般公共预算又相当有限,导致贫困地区政府的财政支农实力远远小于经济发达地区政府,受经济实力所限只能通过降低农业保险风险保障水平的方式来缓解保费补贴的财政支出压力,从而抑制了农业保险精准扶贫效应的有效发挥。为了更好地发挥农业保险的扶贫功能,建议政府部门从农业保险制度的顶层设计、险种的覆盖面等方面着手,对现行补贴政策进行优化和调整,同时充分发挥农业信贷与农业保险的协同扶贫效应,让更多的贫困农户借助农业保险实现精准脱贫。 By analyzing the income level and income structure of rural residents in poverty-stricken areas,it is found that compared to the wage earning households in the eastern economically developed regions,farmers in poverty-stricken areas that rely on agricultural income as the main source of income are more affected by natural disasters and have a higher probability of falling into poverty or returning to poverty due to disasters.The simulation results show that the higher level of agricultural insurance can significantly increase the total household income of farmers in poverty-stricken areas after the impact of natural disasters,thus achieving the policy effect of helping farmers who have returned to poverty as a result of the disaster to achieve precise poverty alleviation,as well as narrowing the income gap between farmers in the east and west.However,due to the fact that the proportion of the primary industry in the industrial structure of the poor areas is still high,and the local general public budget is quite limited,the financial pressure to provide premium subsidies for agricultural insurance in poor areas is much higher than that in the eastern economically developed areas.As a result,the government has to reduce the level of risk protection for agricultural insurance in order to reduce the financial expenses of premium subsidies,thereby curbing the effect of precision poverty alleviation in agricultural insurance in poverty-stricken areas.In order to better exert the poverty alleviation function of agricultural insurance,it is recommended that the government should optimize and adjust the current subsidy policy from the aspects of top design of the agricultural insurance system and the coverage of insurance,and give full play to the synergistic poverty alleviation effect of agricultural credit and agricultural insurance,so that more poor farmers can achieve accurate poverty alleviation with the help of agricultural insurance.
作者 张伟 黄颖 何小伟 徐静 ZHANG Wei;HUANG Ying;HE Xiaowei;XU Jing
出处 《农业经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第12期28-40,共13页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:71973034、71573041) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(编号:19YJA790116) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(编号:2019A1515011892) 广东普通高校重点项目(编号:2019WZDXM017) 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划2019年度共建课题(编号:2019GZGJ112) 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划2020年度共建课题(编号:2020GZGJ149)。
关键词 农业保险 精准扶贫 因灾致贫 财政支农指数 贫困地区 Agricultural insurance Precise poverty reduction Poverty caused by disaster Index of financial support to agriculture Poverty-stricken areas
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