

Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment on Sterilizing and Quality of Nectarine
摘要 为探讨高静压处理对油桃杀菌效果与品质的影响,将油桃通过高静压处理,对其微生物菌落总数与处理前微生物菌落总数进行对比,对硬度、色泽、维生素C、可溶性固形物、pH、香气进行评价。结果表明,在450MPa、保压10 min、常温25℃时,高静压处理后的油桃基本无有害微生物和病菌,维生素C、色泽差异显著,维生素C含量为原来的87.16%,ΔE=2.196,硬度、可溶性固形物、pH、香气差异不显著,硬度为原来的94.79%,可溶性固形物含量保留94.41%,高静压处理使挥发性香气的酯类含量减少,醛类、醇类含量升高,但不影响总体的香气。高静压处理油桃在达到有效杀菌的同时,保留油桃的营养品质。 In order to understand the effect of high hydrostatic pressure treatment on the germicidal and quality of nectarine,the total number of microbial colonies in the treated nectarine using high hydrostatic pressure were compared with the samples without treatment,and the hardness,color,vitamin C,soluble solids,pH and aroma were evaluated.The results showed that there were few of aerobic bacteria,molds and yeasts in the treated nectarine under the condition of 450 MPa,the holding 10 min and room temperature 25℃by high hydrostatic pressure.There were significant differences of vitamin C and color compared to controlled samples,the content of vitamin C was 87.16%of the controlled samples,and the color difference was 2.196.There were no significant differences of hardness,soluble solids,pH,and aroma between the treated and the controlled samples.The content soluble solids retained 94.41%,and hardness was 94.79%of the samples without treatment.The volatile esters compounds content of aroma decreased and the content aldehydes and alcohols compounds increased using high hydrostatic pressure processing.However,there was no bad effect on the integral aroma of nectarine.The nectarine retained the main nutritional composition as well as sterilized effectively by high hydrostatic pressure treatment.
作者 周春丽 赵娜 苏伟 锁冠文 胡雪雁 朱碧华 ZHOU Chunli;ZHAO Na;SU Wei;SUO Guanwen;HU Xueyan;ZHU Bihua(School of Life Science,Jiangxi Science&Technology Normal University,Nanchang 330013)
出处 《食品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第12期223-227,共5页 The Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31760597) 江西省自然科学基金资助项目(20202BABL205014) 2018年校级青年拔尖人才项目(900001030201)。
关键词 高静压技术 油桃 杀菌效果 品质影响 high hydrostatic pressure technique nectarine sterilization nutritional influence
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