
自律与他律的协同:社会组织信用体系建设的逻辑与路径 被引量:2

Coordination of Self-discipline and Heteronomy:Logic and Path of Credit Governance of Social Organizations
摘要 社会组织信用体系建设是健全社会诚信体系、促进公益生态系统实现优胜劣汰、推动公益参与社会治理的重要举措。我国社会组织信用体系建设经历了政府主导的自上而下的自律诚信建设、公益行业自下而上的行业自律行动、以信用评分和市场惩罚为核心的他律管理等主要阶段。基于信用的权利和责任属性,针对当前社会组织信用建设的制约因素,文章提出加快信用立法、设计科学的信用指标、实施全周期信用监管的建设路径,实现自律和他律协同的社会组织信用治理机制。 The construction of social organization credit system is an important measure to improve social integrity system,promote public welfare ecosystem to achieve survival of the fittest,and promote public welfare to participate in social governance.The construction of credit system of social organizations in China has gone through the main stages of self-discipline and integrity construction led by the government from top to bottom,self-discipline action from bottom to top in public welfare industry,and heteronomy management with credit score and market punishment as the core.Following the attribute of right and responsibility based on credit and in view of the restrictive factors of the current credit construction of social organizations,this paper puts forward the construction path of speeding up credit legislation,designing scientific credit indicators,and implementing full cycle credit supervision,so as to realize the credit governance mechanism of social organizations with self-discipline and heteronomy coordination.
作者 赵晓芳
出处 《社会福利》 2020年第11期35-40,共6页 Social Welfare
基金 北京社会管理职业学院(民政部培训中心)抗击疫情民政政策理论问题研究专项课题“加快慈善组织信用评级体系建设:新冠肺炎疫情下的思考与行动”(SGYKJYQ2020-5)阶段性成果。
关键词 社会组织 自律 他律 协同 Social Organization Self-discipline Heteronomy Coordination
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