
中医肺康复疗法治疗稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病研究述评 被引量:3

Review on the Treatment of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Lung Rehabilitation Therapy of TCM
摘要 中医肺康复疗法以"整体观念"和"辨证论治"为原则,以"不治已病,治未病"为指导思想,治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)疗效确切,可改善肺功能,减轻呼吸道症状,增强患者免疫力,提高生活质量,但也存在以下不足:(1)中医肺康复技术种类较为单一,后期能否将中医肺康复技术多样化,是否可遵循"辨证论治"的原则为患者量身定做合适的康复技术;(2)稳定期COPD患者是否能坚持肺康复训练,并按照相关标准进行有效锻炼;(3)稳定期COPD患者如若中途放弃相关训练,是否会对病情造成不良影响或者是否会加快病情发展;(4)稳定期COPD患者如何在康复训练期间有效减轻症状、改善运动能力、提高生活质量;(5)中医肺康复疗法的中医理论依据还不够充分,临床仍处于摸索研究阶段。 Based on the principle of"concept of holism"and"syndrome differentiation and treatment"and the guiding ideology of"emphasizing less on the management of a disorder but more on the prevention of it",pulmonary rehabilitation therapy TCM of has definite curative effect on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD),which can improve lung function,relieve respiratory symptoms,enhance patients′immunity and improve the quality of life.However,there are still some shortcomings:(1)The types of lung rehabilitation technology of TCM are relatively single,so whether the lung rehabilitation technology of TCM can be diversified in the later stage,and whether the appropriate rehabilitation technology can be customized for patients according to the principle of"syndrome differentiation and treatment"should be put forward.(2)Whether the stable COPD patients can adhere to the lung rehabilitation training and carry out effective exercise according to the relevant standards should be put forward.(3)If the stable COPD patients give up the required training halfway,whether training will cause adverse effects on the disease or accelerate the development of the disease should be put forward.(4)How to effectively reduce symptoms,improve exercise ability and improve the quality of life of COPD patients in stable period during rehabilitation training should be put forward.(5)the theoretical basis of lung rehabilitation treatment of TCM is not enough,and the clinical research is still in the exploratory stage.
作者 陈赛男 季思勤 胡嘉斌 曹强 杨佩兰 王振伟 CHEN Sai-nan;JI Si-qin;HU Jia-bin;CAO Qiang;YANG Pei-lan;WANG Zhen-wei(Shanghai University of Traditonal Chinese Medicine,Shaihai,China,200437;Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai,China,200437)
出处 《河南中医》 2021年第1期147-152,共6页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 上海市进一步加快中医药事业发展三年(2018—2020年)行动计划资助项目[ZY(2018-2020)-FWTX-6010,ZY(2018-2020)-ZWB-1001-CPJS19] 上海市卫生计划生育委员会中医优势病种(肺胀病)培育项目(zybz-2017007) 上海市卫生健康委员会中医药科研项目(2020LP019) 上海市中医药学会治未病分会项目(ZWBLC-03) 上海中医药大学预算内项目(18LK048)。
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 中医肺康复疗法 功能锻炼 针刺疗法 穴位埋线疗法 穴位贴敷疗法 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease lung rehabilitation therapy of TCM functional exercise acupuncture therapy point catgut-embedding therapy point application therapy
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