
“十四五”时期中国国民收入分配格局研究 被引量:18

A Study on China’s National Income Allocation Pattern During the ’14th Five-Year Plan’
摘要 近年来,中国要素收入分配格局逐渐优化,国民收入分配格局呈现出"优中有忧"的态势,"优"主要表现在初次分配逐渐向居民部门倾斜、再分配力度不断加强,而"忧"则突出表现为金融机构在国民收入分配格局中占比增长过快。与发达国家相似发展阶段和现阶段主要国家比较发现,中国要素分配格局中劳动报酬占比并不低。初次分配中居民部门占比较低、企业部门占比过高是形成当前不合理的收入分配格局的最主要原因。结合当前经济发展条件和未来走势,预判"十四五"时期中国居民部门在国民收入分配中的比重将会有所提升,但仍然偏低,金融部门占比增速有进一步提高的可能,数据等生产要素参与收入分配的权属问题对于国民收入分配格局将会产生重要影响。为此,应健全初次分配机制,加大对收入分配调节力度,多渠道增加居民可支配收入,逐步提高居民部门在国民收入分配中的比重。切实解决金融部门占比增长过快问题,降低实体企业融资成本。加快地方产业结构调整,建立健全地方税体系,促进地方政府形成可持续的收入增长机制。尽快明确数据要素在参与收入分配时的权属问题,形成一套较为完善的分配方案。 In recent years, China’s factor income allocation pattern has been gradually optimized, and the national income allocation pattern has shown a trend of ‘excellent but with worry’. ‘Excellent’ is mainly manifested in the gradual tilt of initial allocation to the residential sector and the increasing intensity of reallocation. The prominent manifestation is that the proportion of financial institutions in the national income allocation pattern has grown too fast. Compared with major countries at a similar development stage in developed countries and at this stage, it is found that the proportion of labor compensation in China’s factor allocation pattern is not low. The relatively low proportion of the residential sector and the high proportion of the corporate sector in the initial allocation are the main reasons for the current unreasonable income allocation pattern. Combining current economic development conditions and future trends, it is predicted that the proportion of China’s residential sector in the national income allocation during the ‘14 th Five-Year Plan’ period will increase, but it will still be low, and the growth rate of the financial sector’s share may increase further. The ownership of data and other production factors participating in income allocation will have an important impact on the national income allocation pattern. To this end, it is necessary to improve the initial allocation mechanism, increase the adjustment of income allocation, increase the disposable income of residents through multiple channels, and gradually increase the proportion of the residential sector in the national income allocation. Effectively solve the problem of excessive growth in the proportion of the financial sector and reduce the financing costs of entities. Speed up the adjustment of local industrial structure, establish and improve the local tax system, and promote the formation of a sustainable income growth mechanism for local governments. As soon as possible, clarify the ownership of data elements when participating in income allocation, and form a relatively complete allocation plan.
作者 姜雪 Jiang Xue
出处 《宏观经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第12期5-19,共15页 Macroeconomics
关键词 要素分配 初次分配 再分配 Factor allocation Initial allocation Reallocation
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