

The qualitative diagnostic value of MRI for cystic and solid epithelial tumors of the ovary
摘要 目的探讨MRI对鉴别囊实性卵巢上皮性肿瘤(EOT)良、恶性的价值。方法回顾性分析2018年1月~2020年4月我院69例囊实性卵巢EOT患者的影像学资料。将肿瘤分为良性、恶性两组,记录肿瘤的MRI征象并比较各征象在两组肿瘤间的差异。绘制ROC曲线评价定性诊断效能,计算ROC曲线下面积(AUC)。结果肿瘤的形态、边界、构成、实性成分强化程度、实性成分弥散情况及腹膜转移在两组EOT间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),肿瘤的大小及腹水组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。肿瘤的弥散情况在鉴别诊断中有较高的敏感性(0.848)和特异性(0.971),各征象联合能显著提高诊断AUC(0.932)。结论MRI能很好地显示肿瘤内部结构特征,联合平扫、增强及DWI图像上的各种征象能提高囊实性EOT的定性诊断效能。 Objective To investigate the value of MRI in differentiating benign and malignant cystic and solid epithelial ovarian tumors(EOT).Methods The imaging data of 69 EOT patients with EOT in our hospital from January 2018 to April 2020 were retrospectively analyzed.The tumors were divided into the benign group and the malignant group.The MRI signs of the tumors were recorded,and the differences between the two groups of tumors were compared.The ROC curve was drawn to evaluate the qualitative diagnostic efficiency and the area under the ROC curve(AUC)was calculated.Results The tumor morphology,boundary,composition,solid component enhancement degree,solid component diffusion,and peritoneal metastasis were significantly different between the two groups of EOT(P<0.05).There was no difference in the tumor size and ascites between roup(P>0.05).Tumor diffusion had high sensitivity(0.848)and specificity(0.971)in the differential diagnosis,and the combination of various signs can significantly increase the AUC(0.932).Conclusion MRI can show the internal structural features of the tumor well,and the combination of various signs on the plain scan,enhanced,and DWI images can improve the qualitative diagnostic efficiency of cystic EOT.
作者 孔伟 郭强 林文聪 陈文坚 谭丽珊 KONG Wei;GUO Qiang;LIN Wencong;CHEN Wenjian;TAN Lishan(Department of Medical Imaging,Shaoguan First People's Hospital in Guangdong Province,Shaoguan 512000,China;Department of Pathology,Shaoguan First People's Hospital in Guangdong Province,Shaoguan 512000,China)
出处 《中国现代医生》 2020年第34期108-111,F0003,共5页 China Modern Doctor
基金 广东省韶关市卫生计生科研项目(Y18130)。
关键词 卵巢上皮性肿瘤 囊实性肿瘤 磁共振成像 影像诊断 Epithelial ovarian tumor Cystic solid tumors Magnetic resonance imaging Imaging diagnosis
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