
我国百年师范生就业政策的演进逻辑与理性选择 被引量:1

The Evolution Logic and Rational Choice of Employment Policy for the Normal Students in the Century China
摘要 师范生就业政策是师范教育政策系统的重要内容,是关涉我国师范教育成效的关键要素。通过对国家层面出台的师范生就业政策文本研究发现,清末至今,我国师范生就业政策的演变经历了以全面建设为中心的政策初创阶段、以适应变革为重点的调适阶段、以扩大规模为动力的恢复阶段、以适应市场为抓手的转型阶段、以优化师资配置为目标的可持续发展阶段;遵循着以管理体制改革为驱动的政策动力机制、以社会发展需要为主旨的政策目标取向、以组合多类型政策工具为保障的政策实施过程、以经济学和政治学为主导的政策话语规则等演进逻辑。未来我国师范生就业政策发展应建立以多主体利益共生为基点的动力机制,渗透以多元价值为依归的目标价值取向,强化以系统变革工具为抓手的过程保障,构建多元表达的政策话语模式。 The employment policy of normal students is an important part of the normal education policy system, and it’s a critical factor related to the effectiveness of normal education in China. Through the study on the text of employment policy for normal university students issued at the national level, it is found that: the employment policy of normal students has gone through such five periods as the preliminary stages centering on comprehensive construction, the adjustment stage focuses on adapting to transform, the recovery stage is driven by scale expansion, the transformation stage adapts to the market, and the sustainable development stage aims at optimizing the allocation of teachers resources since the late Qing Dynasty, following the evolution logic with the motive mechanism is driven by the reform of management system, the policy goal orientation is based on the needs of social development, the policy implementation process is guaranteed by combining multiple types of policy tools,and the policy discourse is dominated by economics and politics. In the future, the development of employment policy for normal college students should establish a dynamic mechanism based on the symbiosis of multi-subject interests, infiltrate the target value orientation based on multiple values, strengthen the process guarantee with system change tools as the starting point, and build a policy discourse model with multiple expressions.
作者 姚佳胜 董红莲 Yao Jiasheng;Dong Honglian(Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029)
出处 《当代教育论坛》 北大核心 2021年第1期1-9,共9页 forum on contemporary education
基金 全国教育科学“十三五”规划教育部重点课题“我国城乡义务教育师资均衡配置政策评价与优化策略研究”(编号:DFA200299)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 师范生就业政策 师范教育 教育政策 employment policy for normal students normal education education policy
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