论述社会发展进程与人口寿命增长的内在联系,提出人口寿命的变化是社会发展进程的最佳衡量方式.分析1960- 1992 年世界各国人口寿命变化的特点,从中得出影响世界人口寿命变化的几大因素:经济发展水平、社会医疗与保障体系、社会不平等性、不同的政策取向以及国内外战争等.
This article has an analysis of the relationship between social development progress and life expectancy in the contemporary world,putting forwards the vision that changing of lift expectancy is the best measurement by which how the social development progress being getting on can be recognized.It also studies the characteristic of life expectancy in the world from 1960 to 1992,then reaches an generalization about common elements that determine life expectancy being the level of economy,the social system of health care and employment,inequality,policy for distribution wealth and so on.