

Design and Implementation for Comparative Analysis and Visualization System of Pulsar Data
摘要 脉冲星数据比对分析和可视化系统(PSRDB,URL:http://www.psrdb.net/),由FAST(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope)早期科学数据中心团队为快速开展脉冲星候选体比对分析和数据管理研发.通过前端数据提交页面,接收和维护来自FAST及其他研究机构的候选体数据.目前,PSRDB已收录自1967年人类发现第1颗脉冲星以来所有公开文献发表的2811颗脉冲星样本,并采集了当前主要巡天项目尚未正式发表的源和候选体,如FAST多科学目标同时扫描巡天(CRAFTS)候选体数据.基于入库基础数据,利用位置、周期、色散等参数进行比对分析,辅助科研工作者在线检索匹配已知星表数据,最后将检索匹配、比对分析结果生成图表供进一步分析.目前,PSRDB已被应用于FAST脉冲星搜寻和候选体数据管理.未来,PSRDB可在新源认证、后随观测、观测计划制定和原始数据处理流程设计等方面提供数据和工具支撑. The PulSaR DataBase(PSRDB,freely available at http://www.psrdb.net/),designed and implemented by the joint team from Guizhou Normal University(GZNU)and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST),is a highly dedicated,multipurpose and open-access database for the storage,visualization and comparative analysis of pulsar and its candidate data.Users can upload their candidate data through a unified user interface,and manage or share the data online.PSRDB encompasses records for more than 2811 known pulsars,gathered from pulsar literature and online database,published since 1967.PSRDB also includes new sources from major pulsar surveys,such as the Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey(CRAFTS),which have not been officially published.In addition to its comprehensive database-derived,literature-derived data,PSRDB also supports a common text search function among the data and interactive visualization of the curated pulsar distributions with the most commonly used pulsar parameters and their uncertainties based on a web user interface.The PSRDB offers parameters and several comparative analysis methods,online real-time matching and retrieval of known pulsars,and multi-dimensional quantitative statistical analysis can be carried out in a predefined parameter space.Finally,results of the matching and comparative analysis can be visualized and displayed dynamically.The PSRDB can also provide candidate data management for individuals and institutes in the pulsar science community,and provide data support in new source confirmation observations,follow-up observation,new observation plan design and raw data processing,etc.Currently,PSRDB has been applied to the data processing and candidate management of FAST in FAST Early Science Data Center.PSRDB has been strenuously designed to address the broad demands of pulsar scientists,physicist,astrophysicist and members of the pulsar science community.
作者 张辉 王培 张蕾 许余云 岳友岭 潘之辰 刘志杰 于徐红 游善平 姜家涛 谢晓尧 ZHANG Hui;WANG Pei;ZHANG Lei;XU Yu-yun;YUE You-ling;PAN Zhi-chen;LIU Zhi-jie;YU Xu-hong;YOU Shan-ping;JIANG Jia-tao;XIE Xiao-yao(Guizhou Key Laboratory of Information and Computing Science,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550001;School of Mathematical Sciences,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550001;FAST Early Science Data Center,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550001;National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012;Institute of Management Engineering,Guizhou Vocational and Technical College of Water Resources and Hydropower,Guiyang 551416)
出处 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期37-52,共16页 Acta Astronomica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(U1831131、U1631132、U1731238、11743002) 国家重点研发计划(2017YFA0402600) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)(XDB23000000) 中国科学院天文大科学研究中心FAST重大成果培育项目(FAST[2019sr04]) 贵州省科技厅联合基金项目(黔科合LH字[2017]7338号) 贵州师范大学研究生创新基金项目(研创201528)资助。
关键词 天文数据库 脉冲星:普通 方法:比对分析 可视化 FAST astronomical data bases pulsars:general methods:comparative analysis visualization FAST
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