
基于生物可给性分析工业场地土壤重金属污染的人体健康风险 被引量:10

Bioaccessibility and Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Industrial Sites
摘要 为了准确评价重金属污染的工业场地土壤对人体健康的风险,利用体外胃肠法(IVG)研究了苏州一工业园区污染场地土壤中Cu、As、Sb和Ni共4种重金属的生物可给性,并评估了土壤重金属经口摄入对人体造成的健康风险。研究结果表明,在胃阶段,土壤中重金属Cu、As、Sb和Ni的生物可给性范围分别为32.145%~50.231%、27.571%~44.400%、11.241%~20.261%和27.414%~46.555%;小肠阶段,土壤中重金属Cu、As、Sb和Ni的生物可给性范围分别为16.986%~46.658%、20.726%~34.437%、3.984%~7.433%和20.968%~39.502%。体外胃肠法中,场地土壤重金属胃阶段的生物可给性均显著高于小肠阶段。综合分析4种重金属的危害商指数(HQ ois),其值均<1,健康风险较低。本文可为污染场地健康风险的准确评估提供重要案例和科学依据。 Bioaccessibility is one of the key factors in human health risk assessment.A study about the oral bioaccessibility of heavy metals(Cu,As,Sb and Ni)in soil is carried out in Suzhou Industrial Park by using the in vitro gastrointestinal method(IVG).The results show that the ranges of bioaccessibility of Cu,As,Sb and Ni in the stomach phase(Cu 32.145%~50.231%,As 27.571%~44.400%,Sb 11.241%~20.261%,Ni 27.414%~46.555%)are significantly higher than that in small intestine phase(Cu 16.986%~46.658%,As 20.726%~34.437%,Sb 3.984%~7.433%,Ni 20.968%~39.502%).The result of hazard quotient index(HQ ois)of these heavy metals are all under the standard value,which means there is low risk of these heavy metal in the soil to human health.This study could provide an important case study and scientific basis for human health risk assessment in industrial heavy metal polluted sites.
作者 陈奕 Chen Yi(Shanghai Chengtou Environmental Ecological Restoration Technology Co.Ltd.,Shanghai 200232,China;Shanghai Contaminated Site Remediation Engineering Technology Research Center,Shanghai 200232,China)
出处 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期319-326,共8页 Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology
基金 上海市科委资助项目“上海污染场地修复工程技术研究中心”(18DZ2283800) 上海环境集团有限公司项目“土壤和地下水原位化学氧化一体化修复技术研究”(A1HJ-HJY-0010-2018) 上海环境卫生工程设计院有限公司自立项目“桃浦地下水抽提高级氧化技术实证和评估”(2017A188)。
关键词 重金属 工业场地 健康风险 生物可给性 体外胃肠法 heavy metals industrial sites human health risk assessment bioaccessibility in vitro gastrointestinal method
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