
电火花加工多材质电极制备方法及试验研究 被引量:1

Preparation method and experimental study of multi-material electrode for EDM
摘要 随着电火花加工技术的不断发展,利用多材质电极来实现微小复杂曲面的电火花成形加工,具有加工速度快、一次成形等特点而被广泛应用。针对多材质电极的制备,以黄铜、紫铜、铁、钼及铜钨合金等材质电极在模具钢上进行了加工试验,以研究的电极损耗及形状变化规律为基础,根据复杂曲面加工需求设计多材质电极,运用热镀法制备多材质电极,通过扫描电镜对多材质电极的成分和粘结效果进行检测,并以制备的黄铜-铁、紫铜-铜钨及黄铜-紫铜多材质电极进行试验加工,用电子放大镜观测多材质电极的损耗形貌和黏结质量。结果表明,运用热镀法制备的多材质电极连接紧密,在加工过程中不会出现开裂,能够良好地完成电火花加工。 With the continuous development of EDM technology,multi-material electrodes are used to realize EDM processing of small and complex curved surfaces,which are widely used with fast processing speed and primary forming.For the preparation of multi-material electrodes,several single-electrode electrodes of brass,copper,iron,molybdenum and copper-tungsten alloy were processed on the die steel.Based on the studied electrode loss and shape change law,multi-material electrodes were designed according to the requirements of complex surface processing.The multi-material electrode was prepared by hot-dip method.The composition and bonding effect of the multi-material electrode were detected by scanning electron microscopy.The prepared brass-copper multi-material electrode was processed at different times,and the loss morphology and bond quality of multi-material electrode were observed with an electronic magnifying glass.The results show that the multi-material electrode prepared by the hot-dip method is not tightly cracked during the processing,and the EDM can be completed well.
作者 王文建 刘宇 毛红梅 贾良 WANG Wenjian;LIU Yu;MAO Hongmei;JIA Liang(Shaanxi Railway Institute,Weinan 714000,China;Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116000,China)
出处 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期6-11,51,共7页 Modern Manufacturing Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51405058) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51875074) 陕西铁路工程职业技术学院校级项目(KY2018-82)。
关键词 电火花加工 多材质电极 电极制备 Electrical Discharge Machining(EDM) multi-material electrode electrode preparation
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