
走出条块关系的治乱困局 被引量:5

Getting Out of the Dilemma of the“Tiao-Kuai”Relationship
摘要 条块关系是当代中国国家治理体系中最基本的政治和行政关系之一。理顺条块关系一直是我国行政体制改革中的老大难问题,其实质是集权与分权的张力。1949年以来,我国条块关系进行了多次改革和调整,但条块矛盾始终不同程度存在。条块关系在集权与分权的拉锯中陷入了钟摆过程,出现了所谓“一放就乱,一乱就收”的循环和困局。尤其是在当前加强基层社会治理的背景下,事权和责任在向基层压实,而财权和资源仍停留在上级政府尤其是条线职能部门手中,造成条块矛盾在基层尤为突出。2018年党和国家机构改革协同开展,其中一项重点工作就是理顺条块权责关系。目前,中央关于机构改革的精神还在落实过程中,改革能否实现预期目标还需实践检验。在此背景下,《探索与争鸣》编辑部与华东师范大学当代中国政治发展与战略研究所联合举办了线上研讨会,并邀请专家撰稿,探讨如何走出条块关系的治乱困局。 “Tiao-Kuai”relationship is one of the most basic political and administrative relations in contemporary China’s national governance system.Straightening out the relationship between departments and blocks has always been a big problem in the reform of China’s administrative system.Its essence is the tension between centralization and decentralization.Professor Zhou Zhenchao points out that China’s“Tiao-Kuai”relationship model is different from most countries.It is an important institutional arrangement to maintain national unity and give full play to local vitality.Professor Lv Xiaobo believes that it is still a problem to be solved to avoid the rejection reaction between Tiao and Kuai,as well as the tension between rigid politics and flexible administration,between the“Tiao-Kuai”system and the Chief Executive system.Professor Yang Xuedong points out that the dislocation of the dual identities of“Tiao”and“Kuai”has resulted in the disharmony and even conflict of governance behavior.The rationalization of the“Tiao-Kuai”relationship should follow the basic principles of modern government operation.Professor Guan Baoying stresses that a unified administrative organization law and a rigid administrative organization law should be formulated to regulate the“Tiao-Kuai”relationship.Professor Wang Lixin holds that it is necessary to establish an open thinking concept,create a comprehensive and coordinated governance system,and enhance the ability of comprehensive and coordinated governance.Professor Hao Yuqing believes that we should promote the reform of the ministry system at the system level,change“management”into“governance”in the concept level,and reduce the micro direct intervention in the grassroots social governance at the process level.Associate professor Liu Xiaoyan points out that the boundary of vertical management should only extend to the county-level political power.At the same time,the principle of equal power and responsibility should be clarified to prevent power from crossing the border.
作者 周振超 闾小波 杨雪冬 关保英 王立新 郝宇青 刘笑言 Zhou Zhenchao;Lv Xiaobo;Yang Xuedong;Guan Baoying;Wang Lixin;Hao Yuqing;Liu Xiaoyan
出处 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期33-54,177,178,共24页 Exploration and Free Views
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“新时期改革与法治关系实证研究”(17JZD004) 上海市高原学科(行政法)、中央财政支持地方高校建设专项(行政法)阶段性成果。
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