
大数据背景下本科生信息素养培育教学改革探索--以南京邮电大学人文地理与城乡规划专业为例 被引量:3

Exploration on Teaching Reform of Information Literacy Cultivation for Undergraduate Students under the Background of Big Data:Taking the Major of Human Geography and Urban-rural Planning in Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications as an Example
摘要 大数据时代对人才的信息素养能力提出了更高的要求。高校的人才培养需要顺应时代要求,在教育教学的各个环节融入信息素养培育的理念,大力加强对学生的信息素养能力培育。该文讨论了高校本科生信息素养培育现存问题,立足于人文地理与城乡规划专业对本科生信息素养培育要求与南京邮电大学办学实际,建立了以学科专业为主线、以专业课教师为主导、多部门协同配合的学生信息素养培育框架,探索把信息素养培育融入学科专业课程体系、课程教学、课外实践和各级各类竞赛过程的教学改革道路。 The development of the era of big data has put forward higher requirements for the information literacy of talents.Talent cultivation in colleges and universities needs to conform to the requirements of the times and integrate the concept of information literacy cultivation into all aspects of education,and strengthen the cultivation of students'information literacy ability.This paper discusses the existing problems in the cultivation of information literacy of undergraduates in colleges and universities.Based on the requirements of the major of human geography and urban-rural planning and the running practice of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,this paper establishes a framework for cultivating students'information literacy,which takes the discipline and specialty as the main line,takes the professional teachers as the leading role,and explores departments'cooperation.This paper explores the reform path of integrating information literacy cultivation into the curriculum system,curriculum teaching,extracurricular practice and various competition processes at all levels.
作者 焦亚波 王俊 杨莉 JIAO Ya-bo;WANG Jun;YANG Li(School of Geographic and Biologic Information,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210023,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2021年第1期70-73,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2013年度南京邮电大学教学改革研究项目“大数据环境下人文地理与城乡规划专业本科生信息素养培育研究”(JG03214JX87)。
关键词 信息素养 本科生 人文地理与城乡规划 大数据时代 information literacy undergraduate human geography and urban-rural planning big data era
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