
关于推进金融支持白城市氢能源产业发展的调查研究 被引量:1

Investigation and study about promoting financial support for Baicheng City hydrogen energy industrial development
摘要 氢能是一种绿色、高效的二次能源,从开发到利用全过程可实现零排放、零污染,被视为21世纪最具发展和应用前景的绿色能源。随着环境污染日益严重,氢能产业逐渐兴起,全球迎来“氢能社会”发展热潮,美国、欧盟、日本、韩国等发达国家和地区纷纷出台氢能发展政策,将推动氢能产业发展作为国家能源战略高度实施。2019年氢能源首次被纳入我国《政府工作报告》,我国对氢能源发展重视程度逐年增加。目前我国正处于氢能产业快速发展阶段,白城市抓住氢能产业发展的契机,决心大力发展氢能产业,以电解水制氢为主要技术路线,着力构建制氢、储氢、运氢、用氢和氢能装备全链条产业集群,力争成为中国氢能产业发展的示范基地。本文基于白城市氢能产业发展现状及未来规划,对白城市氢能产业发展的优势和现存困境进行研究,提出金融支持白城市氢能产业发展的政策建议,以期达到氢能产业有效助力白城市经济平稳有序发展的目的。 Hydrogen energy is a kind of green and efficient secondary energy,which can realize zero emission and zero pollution in the whole process from development to utilization,and is regarded as the most promising energy in the 21st century.With the rise of the hydrogen industry,the world is embracing the development upsurge of"hydrogen society".The United States,Japan,South Korea,the European Union and other developed countries and regions have introduced corresponding policies to promote the development of hydrogen industry to the height of national energy strategy.In 2019,hydrogen energy was included in China's Government Work Report for the first time,and China attaches increasing importance to the development of hydrogen energy year by year.At present our country is in the hydrogen industry rapid development phase,seize the hydrogen industry development opportunity in baicheng,determined to develop hydrogen industry and hydrogen by electrolysis of water as the main technical route,and strive to build a hydrogen production,hydrogen storage and hydrogen,with hydrogen and hydrogen transport equipment the whole chain of industrial cluster,strive to become the hydrogen industry demonstration base in China.Based on the development status and future planning of the hydrogen industry in White City,this paper studies the advantages and existing difficulties of the development of the hydrogen industry in White City,and puts forward policy Suggestions for financial support to the development of the hydrogen industry in White City,so as to achieve the goal that the hydrogen industry can effectively help the steady and orderly development of the economy in White City.
作者 刘晓明 LIU Xiaoming
出处 《吉林金融研究》 2020年第12期20-23,共4页 Journal of Jilin Financial Research
关键词 金融支持 绿色能源 白城市氢能产业 Finance support green energy resource Baicheng City hydrogen energy industrial
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