

Fixed-point Surveillance for Major Animal Diseases in Yulin and Baise Cities of Guangxi during 2016 to 2018
摘要 为了解广西地区口蹄疫(FMD)、猪瘟(CSF)、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)、猪伪狂犬病(PR)、布鲁氏菌病和小反刍兽疫(PPR)等重大动物疫病的免疫动态、疫情流行风险,按照国家动物疫病定点监测实施方案相关要求,2016—2018年运用ELISA和实时荧光定量PCR方法,对玉林市和百色市20个定点监测场点的猪、牛、羊开展病原学监测和抗体监测。病原监测结果显示:2016—2018年,未在牛羊群中检出FMD、PPR病原;2016年和2017年CSF病原检出率均为0.38%;3年内均有PRRS病原检出,检出率介于1.89%~6.32%。抗体检测结果显示:2016—2018年,猪O型FMD、CSF、PRRS和PR-gB抗体阳性率均在70%以上,A型FMD抗体阳性率逐年上升,NSP抗体和PR-gE抗体阳性率呈波动状变化;牛O型FMD抗体阳性率分别为94.78%、18.26%、71.11%,亚洲I型分别为76.52%、25.22%、27.78%,NSP抗体阳性率在22.61%~41.74%之间波动;仅2016年检出1份牛布鲁氏菌抗体阳性;3年间,羊O型、亚洲I型FMD和PPR免疫抗体阳性率都很低,未达到70%,且呈下降趋势,NSP抗体阳性率在0.95%~7.62%之间波动,未检出羊布鲁氏菌抗体。结果表明,广西玉林市和百色市的猪群O型FMD、CSF、PRRS、PR免疫效果较好,但牛羊群FMD和PPR免疫效果较差,猪群中仍有CSF、PRRS、PR等疫病流行,牛羊群中存在FMD流行的风险,但牛羊布鲁氏菌病得到有效控制。结果提示,应继续加强上述疫病的免疫和监测,针对免疫效果较差、病原流行率偏高的疫病,要重点做好防控和净化。 In order to make clear the immune dynamics and spreading risk of major animal diseases such as foot-andmouth disease(FMD),classical swine fever(CSF),porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome(PRRS),porcine pseudorabies(PR),brucellosis and peste des petits ruminants(PPR)in Guangxi from 2016 to 2018,the etiological and antibody surveillance was carried out for pigs,cattle and sheep from 20 fixed-point farms in Yulin City and Baise City in Guangxi in accordance with relevant requirements specified in National Animal Disease Surveillance Implementation Plan by the ELISA and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR assay.It was shown that,by etiological surveillance,no any FMD and PPR pathogens were detected in cattle and sheep during 2016 to 2018;the detection rate of CSF pathogens was 0.38%both in 2016 and in 2017;PRRS pathogens were detected in the three years,with the detection rate ranged from 1.89%to 6.32%.It was shown that,by antibody detection,the positive rates of antibodies against FMD,CSF,PRRS and PR-gB in pigs were more than 70%,the positive rate of antibodies against FMD type A increased year by year,and that of antibodies against NSP antibody and PR-gE fluctuated;the positive rates of antibodies against FMD type O in cattle were 94.78%,18.26%and 71.11%,respectively;that of antibodies against FMD Asia-I were 76.52%,25.22%and 27.78%,respectively,and that of antibodies against NSP ranged from 22.61%to 41.74%;one Brucella-positive case in cattle was detected out only in 2016;during the three years,the positive rates of antibodies against FMD O,Asia-I type and PPR were lower than 70%with a downward trend,the positive rate of NSP antibodies fluctuated between 0.95%and 7.62%,and no antibody against Brucella in sheep was detected.In conclusion,the immune effects against FMD O type,CSF,PRRS and PR were better in pigs in Yulin and Baise cities,but those against FMD and PPR were poor in cattle and sheep,CSF,PRRS and PR were still prevalent in pigs,while FMD was in cattle and sheep,while brucellosis in cattle and sheep was effectively controlled.It was suggested that vaccination and surveillance against the above diseases should be further strengthened with a priority to prevent,control and purify the diseases with poor immune effects and high prevalence rate.
作者 韩银华 胡丽萍 孔子荣 周庆安 黄胜斌 熊毅 郭建刚 莫胜兰 施开创 何奇松 Han Yinhua;Hu Liping;Kong Zirong;Zhou Qing'an;Huang Shengbin;Xiong Yi;Guo Jiangang;Mo Shenglan;Shi Kaichuang;He Qisong(Guangxi Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center,Nanning,Guangxi 530001,China;College of Animal Sciences and Technology,Guangxi University,Nanning,Guangxi 530005,China)
出处 《中国动物检疫》 CAS 2021年第2期20-24,共5页 China Animal Health Inspection
基金 柳州市科技计划项目(2019BH20604)。
关键词 重大动物疫病 免疫动态 疫情风险 流行病学规律 定点监测 major animal disease immune dynamics outbreak risk epidemiological rule targeted surveillance
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