
大兴安岭岭东温凉区玉米机械粒收品种筛选及籽粒含水率对粒收质量的影响 被引量:4

Effect of maize mechanical grain harvesting varieties selection and grain moisture content on the quality of maize in Warm-cool Area of the East of Daxing′Anling
摘要 【目的】筛选大兴安岭岭东温凉区适宜玉米机械粒收品种,推动玉米机械化粒收技术在岭东温凉区的推广应用。【方法】2017-2019年在岭东温凉区开展了玉米机械粒收品种筛选试验,试验采用随机区组设计,对3年70个品次玉米品种的生育期、站秆期、产量、籽粒含水率、籽粒破碎率、籽粒破损率等进行测定。【结果】3年收获期籽粒含水率≤25.0%的品种仅占14.3%,适宜机械粒收品种匮乏;以籽粒含水率和产量双向平均法作图,结合机械粒收性状指标,筛选出产量高、籽粒含水率低、符合机械粒收性状的品种有德美亚1号、J6518、利合228、仁合319;该地区9月正值玉米成熟、籽粒脱水的重要时期,降雨分布、降雨量、降雨天数、大气湿度、日照时数是影响玉米籽粒脱水的主要因素;籽粒破碎率、籽粒破损率与籽粒含水率呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);收获时70个品次籽粒含水率3年平均为29.0%,区间22.2%~35.8%,籽粒含水率总体偏高;籽粒含水率在23.0%~25.0%时籽粒破碎率最低(≤2.0%)。【结论】岭东温凉区适宜机械粒收品种活动积温的选择应控制在2300℃以内;籽粒含水率是影响粒收质量的关键。 【Objective】To screen out varieties suitable for mechanical grain harvesting in Warm-cool Area of the East of Daxing′Anling,and promote and application of maize mechanized grain harvesting technology.【Methods】From 2017 to 2019,a selection experiment of mechanical grain harvesting of maize was carried out in Warm-cool Area of the East of Daxing′Anling.The experiment was set a random block design,and the growth period,station stalk period,yield,grain moisture content,grain crushing rate,grain damage rate of 70 maize varieties in 3 years were measured.【Results】Only 14.3%of the varieties with grain moisture content≤25.0%in 3-year harvest period,and lack of varieties suitable for mechanical harvesting.Based on the two-way average method of grain moisture content and yield,combined with mechanical grain harvesting traits,the varieties with high yield,low grain moisture content,and conforming to mechanical grain harvest traits were selected:Demeiya No.1,J6518,Lihe 228 and Renhe 319.September was an important period for maize to mature and seeds dehydrated in this region.At this time,the rainfall distribution,rainfall amount,rainfall days,air humidity and sunshine hours were the main factors affecting maize grain dehydration.Grain crushing rate,grain damage rate and grain moisture content were extremely significantly positive correlation(P<0.01);at harvest,the average grain moisture content of 70 varieties was 29.0%in 3 years(22.2%to 35.8%),the grain moisture content was generally high.The grain crushing rate was the lowest when the grain moisture content was 23.0%-25.0%(≤2.0%).【Conclusion】Grain moisture content was the key to the quality of maize grain harvest,2300℃active accumulative temperature was a suitable for maize mechanical grain harvesting in Warm-cool Area of the East of Daxing′Anling.
作者 赵瑞霞 石海波 梁红伟 李惠智 李强 邹菲 张静 张来厚 魏淑丽 侯旭光 ZHAO Ruixia;SHI Haibo;LIANG Hongwei;LI Huizhi;LI Qiang;ZOU Fei;ZHANG Jing;ZHANG Laihou;WEI Shuli;HOU Xuguang(Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;Hulun Buir Institute of Agricultural Sciences,Zalantun 162650,China)
出处 《北方农业学报》 2020年第6期13-21,共9页 Journal of Northern Agriculture
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0300801) 内蒙古农牧业创新基金项目(2020CXJJN02)。
关键词 岭东温凉区 玉米 品种 籽粒含水率 机械粒收质量 Warm-cool Area of the East of Daxing′Anling Maize Variety Grain moisture content Mechanical grain harvest quality
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