Reading and writing can be seen as two sides of the same coin but have different demands for the writer and the reader to handle.The aim of this article is to focus on writing,how to create texts when students have intellectual disabilities and how students with intellectual disabilities have improved their writing skills through an intervention study.Writing will be highlighted from different perspectives,mostly about how writing can be supported through a structural way of working.When it comes to reading and reading difficulties,many studies have been done from different aspects of these topics.Most of these studies are among students with typical intellectual development.Studies about writing development and difficulties are fewer in number than studies about reading,but these are also mostly about children with typical development.When it comes to students with intellectual disability,studies about reading are rare and even rarer when it comes to writing.With this article,we will shed light on how writing difficulties can occur in general development and also when students have intellectual disability.The intervention study presented in this article will give some examples of how teachers can support every student’s writing development.