
On the use of Max-SAT and PDDL in RBAC maintenance

摘要 Role-Based Access Control(RBAC)policies are at the core of Cybersecurity as they ease the enforcement of basic security principles,e.g.,Least Privilege and Separation of Duties.As ICT systems and business processes evolve,RBAC policies have to be updated to prevent unauthorised access to resources by capturing errors and misalignments between the current policy and reality.However,such update process is a human-intensive activity and it is expected to meet specific constraints.This paper proposes a semi-automatic RBAC maintenance process to fix and refine an RBAC state when“exceptions”and“violations”are detected.Exceptions are permissions some users realise they miss that are instrumental to their job and should be granted as soon as possible,while violations are permissions that have to be revoked since they are no longer required by their current owners.We propose a formalisation for the maintenance process which fixes single and multiple exceptions and violations by balancing two conflicting objectives,i.e.,(i)optimising the current RBAC state,and(ii)reducing the transition cost.Our approach is based on a Max-SAT formalisation of the constraint-based optimisation problem,and on PDDL planning to define the transition strategy with minimum cost.Our implementation relies on incomplete Max-SAT solvers and satisficing PDDL planners which provide approximations of optimal solutions.Experiments along with a comparative evaluation show good performance on real-world benchmarks.
出处 《Cybersecurity》 CSCD 2019年第1期304-328,共25页 网络空间安全科学与技术(英文)
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