

Poem of Non-right Angle:A Study on the Typology about Architectural Form of Oscar Niemeyer
摘要 奥斯卡·尼迈耶是巴西现代主义建筑师,其作品充满自由曲线却保持理性与纯粹,并传递出世界与本土的双相价值。文章从形式类型出发,探讨形式背后的建筑意义。围绕直角元素与非直角元素的使用,对尼迈耶30个建筑作品进行聚类分析,得到7种形式类型,接着对建筑类型子集的形式共性与子集内建筑个体特征展开分析,阐释形式的自由与纯粹这两种特质的图像基础与具体表现,最后将建筑类型子集与实践时间、功能性质进行关联分析,进而说明尼迈耶建筑所传达的世界性与地方性来源于现代主义与巴西本土美学的双重影响。 Oscar Niemeyer is a Brazilian modernist architect.His works are full of free curves but remain rational and pure,which convey the dual value of the world and the local.This paper discusses the architectural significance behind the form.Based on the use of right angle elements and non-right angle elements,this paper makes a cluster analysis of 30 architectural works created by Niemeyer,and obtains seven types of architectural forms.Then the paper analyzes the form commonness of the architectural type subsets and the form characteristics of individual architecture within the subsets,and explains the image basis and concrete expression of the two characteristics of freedom and purity of form.Finally,the paper analyzes the relationship between the architectural type subsets and the practical time and functional nature,and then explains that the cosmopolitanism and locality conveyed by Niemeyer’s architecture come from the double influences of modernism and Brazilian native aesthetics.
作者 黄晓茵 李早 邵玮 叶茂盛 HUANG Xiaoyin;LI Zao;SHAO Wei;YE Maosheng(School of Architecture and Art,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230601,China)
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第1期123-129,共7页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 奥斯卡·尼迈耶 形式 类型 现代主义 巴西美学 Oscar Niemeyer form typology modernism Brazilian aesthetics
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