

A Study on the Establishment of Lodged Wudu in Guanzhong During the Period of Wei,Jin,Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Dynasties
摘要 前秦时关中氐人分布的武都是指侨置武都郡。侨置武都郡始于曹魏。曹魏为与蜀汉争夺陇右,将武都氐人迁徙至关中,并先后在小槐里和美阳设置武都郡以进行管理。西晋江统的《徙戎论》反映出此时关中武都氐聚居的地方未置武都郡。十六国初期屠各刘氏和羯族石氏先后统治关中,将大量氐羌迁往关东,因此这一时期在关中侨置武都郡缺乏现实基础。苻健立国关中后,在战略要地宝鸡附近侨置武都郡,是其氐人本位政策的体现。北魏时侨置武都郡始领县级行政单位,统治范围扩大,标志着氐人的关中化,同时它也是太武帝平定盖吴叛乱时分化关中南道氐人的重要战略举措。西魏北周立国关中后受政区滥置影响,武都郡领县减少。隋开皇间侨置武都郡在当权者废郡、保留州县的地方行政政策的影响下消失于历史舞台。 In the Former Qin Dynasty(AD 351-394),the Wudu popularized by the Di people in Guanzhong refers to the Lodged Wudu.The establishment of Lodged Wudu began in the Wei Dynasty(AD220-265).In order to fight for Longyou against Shu Han(AD 221-263),Cao Wei moved the Di people of Wudu to Guanzhong from Longyou,and set up Wudu Commandery in Xiaohuaili and then Meiyang.Jiang Tong’s Xirong Lun(AD 299)reflects that there was no Wudu Commandery in Guanzhong in the Western Jin Dynasty.The Liu tribe of Tuge and the Shi tribe of Jie ruled Guanzhong successively in the Sixteen Kingdoms.They moved a large number of Di and Qiang people to the Guandong area,so there was no condition to establish Wudu in Guanzhong.After Fu Jian established the regime in Guanzhong,he set up Wudu Commandery near Baoji,which was the embodiment of his Di people oriented policy.In the Northern Wei Dynasty,the Lodged Wudu Commandery was set and its territory expanded then before,which marked the localization of the Di people in Guanzhong.It was also a strategy of Taiwu emperor to divide the Di people in the southern area of Guanzhong when he suppressed the rebellion of Gai Wu(AD 445-446).In the Western Wei and Northern Zhou dynasties,the administrative divisions were overused,which cut off the number of counties in the Wudu Commandery.In the Kaihuang period(AD 581-600)of Sui Dynasty,the Lodged Wudu disappeared due to the policies.
作者 周莹 Zhou Ying(Department of History,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《历史地理研究》 2020年第4期47-53,148,共8页 The Chinese Historical Geography
关键词 侨置武都郡 氐人 关中 十六国北朝 Lodged Wudu Di people Guanzhong area the Sixteen Kingdoms of Northern Dynasty
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