

Vulnerability analysis of storage tank under the coupling effect of temperature load and blast fragment impact load
摘要 爆炸碎片和火灾热辐射是导致储罐区多米诺效应事故升级的重要致损因子。在实际爆炸碎片撞击目标储罐的事故场景中,目标储罐不止只受到爆炸碎片的撞击作用,还受到临近火灾的高温载荷作用。为研究目标储罐在高温环境下受到爆炸碎片撞击的易损性规律,本文建立了目标储罐在温度载荷和爆炸碎片冲击载荷耦合作用下的极限状态方程,并采用蒙特卡洛模拟绘制得到目标储罐在不同罐壁温度下受爆炸碎片撞击的易损性曲线,分析爆炸碎片质量、撞击速度、撞击角度对不同罐壁温度下目标储罐易损性的影响规律。结果表明:爆炸碎片质量和爆炸碎片撞击角与目标储罐易损性成负相关,爆炸碎片速度与目标储罐易损性成正相关。当研究变量为爆炸碎片质量时,在20~400℃和400~600℃两个温度范围内,罐壁温度每上升100℃目标储罐最大破坏失效概率平均增加值分别为3.7%、6.7%。当研究变量为爆炸碎片速度时,在20~600℃的温度范围内,罐壁温度每上升100℃目标储罐最大破坏失效概率平均增加值为3.9%。当研究变量为爆炸碎片撞击角时,在20~600℃的温度范围内,罐壁温度每上升100℃目标储罐最大破坏失效概率平均增加值从0.675%一直增大到7.01%。研究对评估实际事故中爆炸碎片对储罐的损伤及防控爆炸碎片引发的多米诺效应事故具有重要意义。 Blast fragment and thermal radiation are important damage factors which contribute to Domino effect accidents escalation.In an actual accident scenario,a storage tank hit by blast fragment is also often subjected to the high-temperature load of surrounding fire.To study the vulnerability of tank under impact of fragments and high temperature,the limit state equation of the target storage tank under the coupling effect of temperature load and impact load was established,and the Monte-Carlo simulation is used to draw the vulnerability curve of the tank hit by fragments under different temperature,considering the effects of mass,speed and angle of fragments.The results showed that the mass and the impact angle of blast fragments are negatively correlated with the vulnerability of target tank,while the velocity of blast fragments is positively correlated with the vulnerability.When the mass of blast fragments is set as variable,in temperature ranges of 20—400℃and 400—600℃,the average increased values of the maximum failure probability of the target storage tank for every 100℃increase in temperature are 3.7%and 6.7%,respectively.When the velocity of blast fragments is regarded as variable,within the temperature range from 20℃to 600℃,the average increased value of the maximum failure probability of the target storage tank is 3.9%for every 100℃increase.When the impact angle of blast fragments is considered as variable,within the temperature range from 20℃to 600℃,the average value of the maximum failure probability of the target storage tank augments from 0.675%to 7.01%for every 100℃increase.The research is of great significance for evaluating the damage of tanks triggered by blast fragments in high temperature environments and for Domino effect accidents pre-control.
作者 陈国华 杨棚 赵一新 李小峰 赵远飞 CHEN Guohua;YANG Peng;ZHAO Yixin;LI Xiaofeng;ZHAO Yuanfei(Institute of Safety Science&Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,Guangdong,China;Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Center for Work Safety,Guangzhou 510641,Guangdong,China;Guangdong Academy of Safety Science and Technology,Guangzhou 510060,Guangdong,China)
出处 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期1130-1136,共7页 Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
基金 2019年广东省中央引导地方科技发展专项资金/广东省省级科技计划(2019B020208012) 国家自然科学基金(21878102) 广东省灾害防治及应急管理专项资金(314-2019-XMZC-0009-04-0025)。
关键词 温度载荷 爆炸碎片 耦合作用 极限状态方程 易损性 temperature load blast fragment coupling effects limit state equation vulnerability
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