
《金匮要略》应用中药气味理论治疗肝虚 被引量:3

Treatment of Liver Deficiency with the Theory of "Property and Flavor" in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
摘要 肝虚者,失其温升也。对于肝虚的治疗,张仲景用了3种方法,"补用酸"为直接补肝法;"助用焦苦"为肝虚补心之法,体现了五行相生的"子令母实"原则;"益用甘味之药调之"起到了补脾制水,纵火刑金之用,体现了五行相克的用药方法。由张仲景采用气味理论治疗肝虚可知,五脏虚实,源于五行气化,所谓肝气温升、心气热散、脾气湿重、肺气清肃、肾气寒沉,此五脏之本气也,本气太过谓之实,本气不及谓之虚;四气五味补泻之法为脏腑辨证用药之根本;五味补泻有体用之别,研读古代著作和具体临床应用时要灵活;五气的内容及具体应用对于研究中医理论和当今中医临床仍有一定参考意义;基于五脏气味补泻的脏腑生克制化理论是古人脏腑辨证的规范和治疗用药技巧,须予以重视。 Liver deficiency is due to the liver failing to warm and ascend.In terms of liver deficiency,Zhang Zhong-jing used three methods:"Supplementing with sour" is the direct nourishment."Assisting with dryness and bitterness" is the method of "nourishing the heart for liver deficiency",which embodies the principle of " disorder of child-organ affecting mother-organ" of five-element generation." Nourishing with sweet medicinals" plays the role of "tonifying the spleen and restricting kidney,excessive fire restricting metal",which embodies the medication method of five elements restraining each other.Bases on Zhang Zhong-jing treating liver deficiency with the theory of "property and flavor",the deficiency and excess of the five zang-organs originate from the five-element qi transformation.The so-called warming and ascending of liver qi,dispersing and heat of heart qi,heavy dampness of spleen qi,clearing and cooling of lung qi and sinking cold of kidney qi are the primary qi of the five zang-organs.If the primary qi is too excessive it is called excess,while if the primary qi is not enough,it is called deficiency.The method of reinforcing and reducing four properties and five flavors is the basis of syndrome differentiation of fang-fu organs.When reinforcing and reducing five flavors,there is difference between the original body and application,so we should use flexibly when studying ancient works and in clinical application.The content and specific application of "five properties" still have certain reference significance for the study of TCM theory and clinical practice.The theory of zang-fu organs′ generation and restriction "based on "reinforcing and reducing of five zang-organs′ property and flavor" is the criterion of syndrome differentiation and medication skills of ancient people,which should be paid more attention to.
作者 刘宇馨 LIU Yu-xin(Sanmenxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Sanmenxia,Henan,China,472000)
机构地区 三门峡市中医院
出处 《河南中医》 2021年第2期166-168,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 肝虚 气味理论 《金匮要略》 张仲景 liver deficiency the theory of"property and flavor" Synopsis of the Golden Chamber Zhang Zhong-jing
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