
奶牛真胃移位的临床症状、发病率调查及治疗方法筛选 被引量:1

Clinical Symptoms and Incidence Rate of Abomasum Translocation in Dairy Cows and Its Therapeutic Method Screening
摘要 为减少规模奶牛场奶牛真胃移位疾病对奶牛生产的损失,调查分析了4个规模奶牛场连续3年奶牛真胃移位的发病率,并比较研究了该疾病的临床诊断技术以及不同治疗方法对该病的治疗效果。结果表明:产后20 d内是奶牛真胃移位的高发期,真胃移位的病牛占所有发病牛的84.15%;奶牛真胃移位在4个调查的规模奶牛场的发病率为1.40%~2.13%,场间发病率差异均未达到显著水平(P>0.05),总体平均发病率为1.82%。通过临床诊断可较准确地对该疾病进行确诊,采用手术治疗法治疗奶牛真胃移位的平均治愈率高达81.1%,滚转整复法对奶牛真胃移位进行临床治疗的治愈率为20.41%,2种治疗方法的治疗效果差异达极显著水平(P<0.01)。在生产实践中,建议对确诊病牛初步实行滚转整复法进行治疗,对于治疗效果不佳的病牛再采用手术治疗,可节约治疗成本和取得较好的治疗效果。 In order to reduce the loss of dairy production caused by the disease of abomasum displacement in dairy farms of scale,the incidence rate of abomasum translocation in dairy cows in 4 dairy farms for 3 consecutive years was investigated and analyzed.The results showed that the clinical diagnostic techniques and therapeutic effects of different treatments on the disease were compared and studied.The incidence of abomasum translocation was high within 20 days after parturition,and the dairy cows infected with abomasum translocation accounted for 84.15%of all the diseased cows.The incidence rate of abomasum translocation in dairy cows was 1.40%-2.13%in the surveyed 4 scale dairy farms,while there was no significant difference in the incidence among the farms(P>0.05).And the overall average incidence rate was 1.82%.Through clinical diagnosis,the disease could be diagnosed more accurately.The average cure rate of the surgical treatment method for the treatment of abomasum translocation in dairy cows was as high as 81.1%,while the cure rate of the rolling taxis for the clinical treatment of abomasum translocation in dairy cows was 20.41%.The difference of the treatment effect between the two treatment methods was extremely significant(P<0.01).In the production practice,it was suggested that the rolling taxis should be used for the initial treatment of the diagnosed diseased cows,and the surgical treatment should be used for the diseased cows with poor treatment effect,which could save the treatment cost and achieve better treatment effect.
作者 潘雪梅 孙铁成 沈华荣 林丽娟 谢秋萍 沈华伟 PAN Xue-mei;SUN Tie-cheng;SHEN Hua-rong;LIN Li-juan;XIE Qiu-ping;SHEN Hua-wei(Xuzhou Zhangji Secondary Specialized School, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221114, China;Fujian Animal HusbandryStation, Fuzhou, Fujian 350003, China;Weiwei Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd., Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221114, China;Fujian Green Food Development Center, Fuzhou, Fujian 350003, China)
出处 《福建农业科技》 2020年第12期15-19,共5页 Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology
关键词 奶牛 真胃移位 发病率 诊疗 Dairy cow Abomasum translocation Incidence rate Diagnosis and treatment
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