
共生理论视阈下中华民族共同体建构的五维向度 被引量:19

The Five Dimensions for the Construction of the Community for the Chinese Nation from the Perspective of Symbiosis Theory
摘要 中华民族共同体建构的基本逻辑是一个从"求同存异"到"聚同化异"的过程,旨在构建一个多民族休戚与共、血脉相连的共生关系与共生状态。中华民族共同体的有效建构必须赋予"共生"的理念,以责任、族际、文化、利益、命运为共生单元的建构逻辑,进而推动中华民族政治共同体、文化共同体、价值共同体、利益共同体、命运共同体的全面建构。 Based on the theory of symbiosis,this article attempts to endow the concept of"symbiosis"in the process of the construction of the community for the Chinese nation with responsibility,ethnicity,culture,interests,and destiny as the logical construction of the units of the symbiosis,and then promote the construction of the five dimensions of the Chinese nation,i.e.political community,cultural community,community of shared values,community of shared interests,and community of human destiny.First,the symbiosis of responsibilities:the dimension of the construction of the political community of the Chinese nation.Through the clarification of the political responsibilities,rights and obligations of every citizen and their relation to state political life,we should strengthen the citizens’political trust and political identity with the multi-ethnic country,and build a community of responsibility for the government,society and citizens.In this way we can jointly maintain the stability of the country’s political sovereignty,and thereby promote continuously the construction of the political community of the Chinese nation.Second,cultural symbiosis:the dimension of the construction of the cultural community of the Chinese nation.In the process of cultural interaction and communication among various ethnic groups in China,in addition to inheriting,promoting and protecting each one’s own culture,this dimension also requires mutual learning and tolerance among ethnic cultures,promoting the coexistence of diverse ethnic cultures,thereby promoting the construction of the cultural community of the Chinese nation.Third,inter-ethnic symbiosis:the dimension of the construction of the community of the Chinese nation’s shared values.The symbiotic relationship between different ethnic groups can effectively cultivate the commonality of life’s emotions of China’s multi-ethnic groups,enrich China’s multi-ethnic spiritual world,shape the deepest spiritual pursuits of China’s multi-ethnic groups,and regulate the behavioral norms of the China’s multi-ethnic social activities.Thus,the Chinese nation’s"common"way of thinking and shared values will be constructed.This will continuously promote and support the forward development of the community of shared values of the Chinese nation.Fourth,the symbiosis of interests:the dimension of the construction of a community of shared interests of the Chinese nation.Within the Chinese ethnic community,the interests of all ethnic groups are the most basic needs for symbiosis,and the multi-ethnic symbiosis of interests based on trust is the essential core of the path for the social construction of the sense of the community of shared interests of the Chinese nation in the New Era.Fifth,the symbiosis of destiny:the dimension of the construction of a community with a shared future or destiny for the Chinese nation.The construction of a community with a shared future for the Chinese nation aims to lay a common emotional and behavioral basis for the mutual interaction of all ethnic groups;let the people of all ethnic groups reach a consensus that the effective construction of a community with a shared future for the Chinese nation and the sustainable development of the ethnic group are complementary and closely linked.
作者 周超 刘虹 Zhou Chao;Liu Hong(School of Political and Public Administration,Guangxi Normal University,541004,Guilin,Guangxi China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期19-25,85,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“中国特色社会主义制度和治理体系的世界意义”(20AZD010)阶段性成果。
关键词 共生理论 民族国家 中华民族共同体 命运共同体 symbiosis theory the nationstate community for the Chinese nation community of a shared destiny
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