
近代西康移民浪潮与城市发展 被引量:1

Research on Population Movement and Urban Development in Xikang in Modern Times
摘要 人口流动与城市发展有着密切的关系。近代以来,西康地区经历了两次大规模的移民浪潮,一次是清末民初在官府统筹下所进行的军事镇戍、垦殖、商贸等活动带动的移民潮,第二次是抗战时期的人口西进运动和西康建省所带来的移民潮。这两次移民潮规模巨大,其直接效果是西康地区城市人口规模的迅速扩大,促进了西康地区城市从经济到社会等各个方面的深刻变迁。移民潮使劳动力市场和产品消费市场进一步扩大,城镇化水平提高。同时人口增长为西康城市发展注入了新的活力,城市人口民族构成、职业构成成分趋于多样化,商人群体的壮大拓展了城市经济的发展空间,知识分子阶层随之兴起,城市空间结构与城市建设也发生重要改变,这为此后半个多世纪西康地区城市发展奠定了重要的基础。 Population mobility results not only in a change in the spatial layout of population,but also in a change in personal behavior,way of life and values.It not only has a great impact on the economy and society of a single city,but also a far-reaching impact on the urban development patterns,urban systems and urbanization processes in a certain region.Since modern times,from the practice of gaitu guiliu policy(a policy implemented by the imperial central court for the replacement of native officials with royally appointed ones)in Chuanbian(Sichuan Special Border Region)caused by the border crisis at the end of the Qing Dynasty to the reconstruction of the political order in the southwest during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,the political and economic status of the Xikang region changed significantly under the influence of geopolitics and other factors.Marked by its being established as a province,Xikang became a pivotal part of the rear area in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.At the same time,with the deepening influence of modern economy and the development of new-style education,it became an important economic and cultural center of China's southwest inland border region.During this period,under the influence of geopolitical factors,the Xikang region experienced two large-scale population spatial flows.The first was a wave of immigration driven by military garrisons,resettlement,commerce and other activities in the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China.When Zhao Erfeng was in charge of Chuanbian,he used the human and financial resources of Sichuan Province to promote the development of his New Deal,and encouraged inland immigrants to move to Chuanbian,especially through the implementation of the measures of land reclamation,military training,mining and trade,to directly promote the immigration of a large number of Han people.Under the leadership and overall dispatch of the government,the geographical scope of the Han people expanded westward to Xiangcheng and Daocheng in the Jinsha river watershed.Military garrisons were also one of the main sources for the influx of immigrants to Chuanbian in the late Qing Dynasty and at the beginning of the Republic of China.For example,in the early Republic of China,Yin Changheng led an army of 5000 to march west.By the 1930s,Liu Wenhui's 24th Army was stationed in the Sichuan Tibetan regions.The troops were successively deployed in major towns such as Kangding,Qamdo,Batang,and Litang.Many officers and soldiers chose to settle locally.Yin's westward expedition not only curbed the invasion of the Tibetan army and recovered lost territory,but also added four counties,namely,Shuodu,Taizhao,Sida and Jiali,to consolidate border defense,and,to a certain extent,this improved the administrative structure of Chuanbian.The brief stability of the political situation and the arrival of the garrisons also attracted a large number of Han businessmen.In the first decade of the Republic of China alone,as many as 70,000 to 80,000 Han people emigrated to the Tibetan areas of western Sichuan.The second was the migration flow brought about by the westward movement of the population during the Anti-Japanese War and the establishment of Xikang Province.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War,the national government regarded the southwest as a large rear base,showing clearly the direction for the large number of internally displaced people to go,thereby setting off the peak of population migration to the southwest.According to statistics,from 1937 to 1941,the total number of people moving from the east to the west was more than 30 million.Xikang was one of the important relocation destinations.“During the migration process,most residents moved to cities first,and then moved to inland towns or villages when the city could no longer accommodate them.”At the same time,Liu Wenhui,then governor of Xikang,also regarded“underground development and above-ground immigration”as one of the six tasks for the construction of New Xikang.When the Anti-Japanese War broke out,the populations in the eastern and central regions of China moved westward,and the Ning and Ya administrative regions were included in Xikang after the establishment of the province.Driven by multiple political and economic factors,there was a rapid mechanical growth of population in Xikang.According to the statistics of Wu Wenhui and Zhu Jianhua at that time,the population of Xikang Province from 1939 to 1942 was about 1.8 million to 2.7 million.Compared with the late Qing Dynasty,the population increased more than sixfold.According to research statistics,at least 450,000 immigrants entered Kang District during the Republic of China.These two spatial movements of population had a great impact on the development of Xikang.Their common feature is that the scale of population movements was relatively large.With the Han population as the largest,the migrant population was mainly distributed in cities and towns along important passage ways to Tibet.A direct outcome of the migration flow was that it served to promote the expansion of the urban population and the adjustment of population mix of Xikang,a trend that contributed to the city's overall development.With the introduction of advanced production,lifestyle and culture,the development of Xikang's urban,social,and economic environment was constantly improving.First of all,the occupational structure of the urban population of Xikang began to diversify.A large number of laborers shifted from the agricultural sector to the industrial sector,and from rural areas to urban areas.The proportion of the population in industry,business,and academia gradually increased,effectively promoting the rapid development of the urban economy.Second,the growth of the business community led to the prosperity of the urban economy.During the period of the Republic of China,with the gradual introduction of the traditional Xikang commercial groups,the four traditional merchant groups of tea,musk,cloth and medicinal materials were,in due course,transitioning to new enterprises.Third,the population flow promoted the rise of intellectuals and other emerging social classes.Before modern times,education in Chuanbian was monopolized by temples and lamas.Since Zhao Erfeng started schools in Sichuan in the late Qing Dynasty,new-style education was introduced into the Kham area.After the Anti-Japanese War,a large number of universities,research institutes,and intellectuals moved inland,and the intellectual class in the Xikang area achieved a remarkable development both in quality and quantity.The impact of these population movements on the construction of Xikang city and the change of spatial structure were mainly reflected in the expansion of the urban geographical space,the improvement of the city's appearance,and the formation of obvious functional zonings within some regional center cities,including administration,industry,commerce,culture and education.All of these lay an important foundation for the urban development of Xikang region in the following half century.
作者 黄俊棚 刘杨 Huang Junpeng;Liu Yang(Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences,Chengdu,610072,Sichuan,China;School of Marxism,Southwest University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu,611130,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期90-97,170,171,共10页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“20世纪上半叶西康地区城市发展研究(1900-1955)”(18XJC770007)阶段性成果 四川省社会科学规划青年项目“新中国成立以来四川凉山州城镇化的历史经验研究”(SC19C043)阶段性成果。
关键词 移民浪潮 西康 城市发展 the wave of immigration Xikang urban development
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