

A Study on the Governance of Frontier Areas in Sichuan Province during the Period from 1935 to 1947
摘要 民国时期四川省的边区治理是随着抗战前国民政府逐步控制川政而开展和实施的。因而1935年后四川省边区治理的理念、策略和措置均深受国民政府西南边疆政策的影响。“边民”“夷务”等内涵的界定表明川省政府有意模糊边区各族之间的差异性。但是边政措施的制定和实施则总体上并不成功,显得被动和游移,缺乏主动性。这些均反映出南京国民政府与地方政府相互影响下四川省边区治理的时代特征。 After the Nanjing National Government nominally unified the country,and in response to changes in the situation,it began to gradually pay attention to and get involved with the political affairs of the governance of the southwest borderland.However,due to the restraints of the warlords in the southwestern provinces,the National government's administration of the southwestern frontier was often a formality,limited to the policy formulation;it lacked effective operations and practices.For a long time,the authority of the administration in the southwest frontier had largely given way to the local governments of the provinces in the southwest.The political situation of each of the various provinces was different,their relations with the National Government were complex and changeable,and there was no relatively unified frontier governance policy,because of this,a frontier governance strategy with local characteristics was formed.At the beginning of the period of the Republic of China,Yunnan and Guizhou provinces externally interfered with Sichuan's political situation.There were many internal factions and demarcation zones.For many years,these areas were trapped in the melee caused by the warlords.The national administration had no time to take care of frontier affairs,and frontier politics were almost abolished.It was not until 1935 that the National Government appointed Liu Xiang as the governor,unified the provincial government,and intervened in Sichuan politics on the grounds of advancing frontier politics.The Sichuan government began to focus on frontier affairs,implement frontier investigations,frontier education and other policies to help the frontier residents govern the frontier areas.Therefore,the governance of Sichuan's frontier areas was not only directly affected by the National Government's southwest frontier governance policy,but also had its own characteristic policies on specific issues such as“frontier people”and“Yi affairs”(ethnic minority affairs).This article intends to use archives as the foundation,and by combining them with relevant historical resources,delve into key concepts to focus on the strategies,measures and basic characteristics of frontier governance in Sichuan province from 1935-1947,with a view to revealing the interaction between the National government and local governments in the southwest borderlands,as well as the complex process of implementing governance policies.First of all,we need to make reference to the concept of the term“frontier people”,which although vague,has been used in Sichuan province since ancient times.The term“frontier people”in the late Qing Dynasty already embodied the meaning of non-Han ethnic groups.At the beginning of the Republic of China,the term appeared widely in various newspapers,and the concept varied with different contexts.The term“frontier people”also appeared early on in the policy documents formulated by the Sichuan provincial government,for example,when a draft document on the Sichuan-Kham border affairs was drawn up by Liu Wenhui,who was governor of Sichuan in 1928.At that time,the specific designation of“frontier people”was not clear,and seemed to especially focus on non-Han ethnic groups in the frontier areas.However,the meaning of“frontier people”has also been linked to the concept of modern nations.As soon as the Nanjing National Government was established,it first paid attention to the education issues in the frontier areas.The target of education in the border areas were generally referred to the“frontier ethnic groups”and“frontier people”,implying the meaning of“people of all ethnic groups in the frontier”;the term“frontier people”had not yet been used.After 1935,relevant official policy documents issued by Sichuan province mainly responded to the policies of the National Government and were promoted by the National Government.For the Sichuan provincial government,the concept of“frontier people”was not only a traditional and established appellation,but also a new term endowed with new connotations in response to,and in imitation of,the National Government to modify the traditional concept.However,at the very beginning,the various policies formulated by the Sichuan provincial authorities aimed at frontier residents had been actually used in the plans implemented in the“Fan”district of Songpan,Lixian,Maoxian,Wenchuan and the“Yi”district of Liangshan.The Sichuan provincial authorities not only used“frontier people”to refer to all non-Han ethnic groups in the territory,but also classified affairs involving“frontier people”as“Yi affairs”.Various types of“frontier people”were often referred to as“Yi”(one of the terms used in ancient historical texts to refer to non-Han people),which further generalized and obscured the ethnic identity of the“frontier people”.The practice of using the term“Yi”to include and collectively refer to the non-Han ethnic groups in Sichuan province was not only related to a traditional historical name,but it was also an objective reflection of the Sichuan province's frontier affairs on“Yi”.However,in the Republic of China,Sichuan province used the issue of“Yi affairs”to reflect the particularity of its frontier affairs,and,in the process of governing Yi affairs,the National Government promoted and become involved with the term.After Xikang was established as a province,the Ning area was included in Xikang,and the Yi affairs of Liangshan was divided into two provinces,Sichuan and Xikang.After all of this,the governance of the frontier areas was still unsuccessful.To sum up,since its establishment,the Nanjing National Government tried to strengthen its control over the southwestern provinces on the grounds of frontier affairs.In response to the current situation,the governments of the provinces in southwestern China either acted accordingly or resisted.Sichuan province's frontier governance had also shown its own uniqueness.From determining the concept of frontier governance,and the formulation of frontier policy measures,to the introduction and specific implementation of policies,the influence of National Government's reunification of the Sichuan government on the Sichuan government was looming.Within the framework of the mutual game being played between the central and local governments,from“frontier people”to“Yi affairs”,the Sichuan Provincial government's definition of the various ethnic groups and their affairs in the border areas was relatively vague and general,reflecting the special characteristics of Sichuan province.And this vague and general feature was also reflected in the process of frontier governance in Sichuan province.Sichuan province,on the issue of frontier affairs,was subject to the National Government,which was trying to include and control it in the daily affairs of local administrative agencies,weakening the subjectivity of agencies,and weakening the subjectivity and initiative of various ethnic groups and their culture in the frontier.Although the various measures tried to advance the progress of civilization,and promote modern lifestyles to the border residents'own internal logic and concepts about social and cultural customs,and tried to separate them from the social life where border residents were based,on the whole,the frontier governance of Sichuan province during the Republic of China was unsuccessful and had little effect.From the beginning to the end,it lacked a systematic and reasonable frontier policy,and,in addition,the attitude of both the local governments and National Government was also quite passive.
作者 李沛容 Li Peirong(China Western Frontier Security and Development Collaborative Innovation Center,Sichuan University,Chengdu,610064,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期98-106,172,173,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“民国时期川康彝族的民族身份与国民意识研究”(18CMZ005)资助。
关键词 边民 边政 四川省 边区治理 frontier people frontier policy Sichuan province frontier governance
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