
有组织的合作行动何以可能?——上海梅村党建激活社区治理实践的案例研究 被引量:40

How Is Organized Cooperation Possible?——A Case Study of Community Governance Activated by Party Building in the Mei Community,Shanghai
摘要 【问题】社区治理日益成为国家治理和社会治理的关键场域,然而真正实现社区有效治理的情形并不多见。纵观上海梅村30年治理变迁,其从效果不彰转向治理成功,论文将这种转变视作有组织的合作行动所致,进而探究社区治理中有组织的合作行动何以可能、如何可能。【方法】通过5年非连续时间对梅村治理实践及变迁进行的长时段观察,以及对各类人员进行深度访谈,借助个案研究法对梅村治理变迁的内在机制进行了多维度分析。【发现】上海梅村治理的转型体现出政党激活社会、社会助推治理效能的双向运作机理,促进了社区从治理失败到治理成功的转变。一方面,社区党组织通过规则制定和组织观念塑造,以再组织化机制将原先隐蔽的社会力量激活;另一方面,社区居民借助党组织搭建的项目化平台,以自组织化机制参与到社区公共事务治理之中,提升了党建引领社区治理的效能。【贡献】论文批判性地反思了集体行动的经典理论命题,结合特定社区治理情境提出了“政党激活社会”的本土解释框架;从再组织化和自组织化两个方面阐释了党建引领社区治理的有效运作机制,对目前意义宽泛的党建引领机制进行了学理建构,为党建引领社区治理的制度优势转化为实践效能提供了创新视角。 Motivation:Community governance has increasingly become the key field of both national and social governance.However,effective community governance is rarely achieved.Throughout the 30-year governance changes of Mei Community in Shanghai,it turns from ineffective governance to successful governance.This paper regards this change as the result of organized cooperative action,and then explores how and why organized cooperative action is possible in community governance..Methodology:Through long-term observation of Mei Community's governance practices and changes over five consecutive years as wellas in-depth interviews with all kinds of personnel,the internal mechanism of governance change of Mei Community was analyzed in multiple dimensions with the help of case study method.Findings:We found the transformation of governancein Shanghai's Mei Community reflected the two-way operation of the Political Party Activates Society and Society Boosts Governance Efficiency mechanism.This promoted the transformation of community governance from failure to success.On one hand,community party organizations activated the previously hidden social forces through rule-making and organizational concept shaping.On the other hand,with the help of the project platform built by the party organization,community residents participate in the governance of community public affairs with the self-organization mechanism,which improves the effectiveness of community governance lead by Party building.Contribution:This paper reflects critically on collective action theory,and proposes an interpretation framework for the concept of‘Political Party Activates Society'in combination with community governance situations.It explains how Party building leads to community governance from two aspects:re-organization and self-organization.It then constructs the operational chemistry through the Party building mechanism.And,it presents an innovative perspective from which Party building can lead the transformation of institutional advantages of community governance into practical efficiency.
作者 徐选国 吴佳峻 杨威威 Xuanguo Xu;Jiajun Wu;Weiwei Yang(不详)
出处 《公共行政评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期23-45,218,共24页 Journal of Public Administration
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国特色社会体制改革与社会治理创新研究”(项目编号:16ZDA078) 国家社科基金青年项目“城市社区社会工作理论创新及整合行动体系构建研究”(项目编号:17CSH051) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目“共建共治共享视域下的基层社会治理创新研究”(项目编号:JKE022024003)。
关键词 政党激活社会 有组织的合作行动 社区治理 再组织化 自组织化 Political Party Activate Society Organized Cooperative Action Community Governance Re-organization Self-Organization
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