
国内外应急志愿服务研究 被引量:3

Research on emergency volunteering in China and foreign countries
摘要 在全球范围内突发事件频发的大背景下,应急救援系统响应能力已成为衡量一国实力的重要指标。在政府主导下的应急救援系统中,应急志愿服务有效地弥补了政府救援力量上的不足,发挥了重要的支撑性作用,应急志愿服务也逐渐成为国内外社会关注的焦点和学术界讨论的热点话题。文章在对应急志愿服务相关概念进行探析的基础上,系统分析了国内外应急志愿服务的研究现状,进行了简要评析与展望,以期为今后我国应急志愿服务的研究和发展提供参考依据。 In the context of frequent global emergency events,the response capability of the emergency rescue system has become an important indicator to national strength.In the government-led emergency rescue system,the emergency volunteer services have played a supporting role and effectively made up for the deficiency in government rescue forces.Emergency volunteering have gradually become the focus of social attention and a hot topic in academia at home and abroad.Based on the analysis of related concepts of emergency volunteering,this article systematically analyzes the research status of emergency volunteering at home and abroad,and made brief evaluation and prospect to provide reference for the future research and development of emergency volunteering in China.
作者 师梦丽 梁超 SHI Mengli;LIANG Chao(Department of Medical Affairs,West China Second Hospital,Sichuan University,610041 Chengdu,China;Department of Medical Affairs,Sichuan Orthopedic Hospital,Chengdu 610041,China)
出处 《中华灾害救援医学》 2021年第2期819-821,837,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disaster Medicine
关键词 应急 志愿服务 emergency volunteering
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