
犬辅助干预对儿童阅读的影响 被引量:2

The Influence of Canine Assisted Intervention on Children’s Reading
摘要 阅读能力不足是困扰学龄儿童发展的一大问题,然而仅从阅读本身来寻找解决该问题的方法并不是唯一的突破点。基于动物辅助干预的基本思路,犬辅助阅读以“给犬朗读”和“对话式阅读”的方式对以往阅读课程学习模式进行扩展,更加关注犬与儿童的互动和情感联系,能够帮助儿童(尤其是特殊儿童)形成独特的阅读环境,减轻阅读压力,提升对阅读任务的兴趣价值、能力信念和阅读技能。鉴于此,基于以往犬辅助阅读的研究成果,本文将从阅读动机、阅读技能和阅读环境三方面来探讨犬辅助干预对儿童阅读的影响,以期展现犬辅助阅读研究的基本脉络。 Lack reading ability is a big problem that puzzles school-age children. However, it is not the only breakthrough to find a solution to this problem from reading itself. Based on the basic ideals of animal-assisted invention, the previous reading courses have been expanded by the means of "reading to dog" and "dialogic reading", focusing more on the interactions and emotional connections between dogs and children. Especially for children with special needs, the Canine-assisted reading helps to form a relaxing and non-critical reading environment, reduces children’s pressure while reading, and improves children’s interest, ability, belief in reading. From this view, based on the previous research on canine-assisted reading, this paper combines reading and canine-assisted strategy in order to explore the influences of canine-assisted intervention on children from three aspects of reading motivation, reading skills and reading environment, and shows the basic logic of canine-assisted reading research.
作者 胡艾新 马慧 张坤 王庭照 HU Aixin;MA Hui;ZHANG Kun;WANG Tingzhao(College of Education,Shaanxi Normal Universily,Xi'an,710062;Shenzhen longyuan Schoo,Nansparn District,Shenzhen,518000)
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期90-96,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 2017年度陕西省高层次人才特殊支持计划“融合教育背景下西部地区特殊教育学校社会网络资源整合及发展研究”(项目批准号:陕组通字(2018)33号)的成果之一。
关键词 犬辅助干预 阅读动机 阅读技能 阅读环境 canine-assisted intervention reading motivation reading skills reading environment
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