
喀斯特白云岩地区不同土体构型土壤剖面持水导水性能研究 被引量:4

Moisture-retaining and transmissibility properties of soil profiles with different architectures in dolomite karst areas
摘要 喀斯特区整体土层浅薄且分布不连续,土层和基岩构成了不同的土体构型剖面,而这些剖面的持水导水性能之间是否存在差异,目前尚缺乏清楚的认识。本文通过BEST单环入渗方法研究了喀斯特白云岩区三种土体构型土壤剖面(深厚土层剖面(DS)、浅薄土层剖面(SS)以及土石混合剖面(SR))的持水性能和导水性能。试验结果表明,不同土壤剖面的持水性能、导水性能主要受不同层次土壤颗粒组成特征及剖面构型影响。三种剖面表层土壤都具有较高的导水能力,以SR表层饱和导水率(Ks)最高,可达244.1 mm∙h-1,而SS表层Ks为56.8 mm·h-1。DS除表层和风化层外,土壤黏重,导水能力较弱,但是体现出较高的持水能力;SS整体导水能力较弱,持水能力较好;SR土壤疏松,整体持水、导水能力均较好,土石层导水能力相对最差而持水能力最好。就土壤有效水含量而言,SR最高,DS和SS由于土壤较黏重,有效水含量相对较低。该研究结果可为喀斯特地区植被恢复位点的选择提供科学指导和理论依据。 In karst areas,soil is generally shallow and discontinuous,where unevenly distributed soil beds and bedrock in soil profiles with different architectures.Whether their moisture-retaining and transmissibility properties are variable remains unclear.To address this issue,the BEST single-ring infiltrometer method was employed to investigate such soil profiles in a dolomite karst area,namely,deep soil profile(DS),shallow soil profile(SS)and soil-rock mixture profile(SR),respectively.The results show that the hydraulic properties above mentioned of these profiles are different,which are mainly affected by soil particle component and profile architecture features.The surface soil of three kinds of soil profiles have high water conductivity,among which surface Ks of the soilrock mixture profile(SR)is the highest,up to 244.1 mm∙h-1,while the surface Ks of shallow soil profile(SS)is only 56.8 mm·h-1.For deep soil profile(DS),the soil is clayey and of low water conductivity but of high water holding capacity except for surface soil and regolith layers.Due to the impact of underlying bedrock,shallow soil profile(SS)shows low water conductivity and high water holding capacity as a whole.In the soil-rock mixture profile(SR),loose soil beds have both good water conductivity and holding capacity,while the rock layer has relatively poor water conductivity but better water holding capacity.In the soil’s effective water content,the SR is the highest,while DS and SS are relatively lower due to the clayey soils.The results of this study could provide scientific guidance for the selection of vegetation restoration sites in karst areas.
作者 杨静 王升 丁亚丽 陈洪松 YANG Jing;WANG Sheng;DING Yali;CHEN Hongsong(College of Forestry,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China;Key Laboratory of Agro-ecological Processes in Subtropical Region,Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changsha,Hunan 410125,China;Huanjiang Observation and Research Station for Karst Ecosystem,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Huanjiang,Guangxi 547100,China;Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Environment Change and Resources Use,Ministry of Education,Nanning Normal University,Nanning,Guangxi 530001,China)
出处 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期697-704,共8页 Carsologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目(41807175) 广西自然科学基金创新研究团队项目(2018GXNSFGA281003) 中国科学院国际伙伴计划课题(132852KYSB20170029) 贵州大学引进人才科研项目[2016(22)]。
关键词 单环入渗 导水率 土壤有效水 水分特征曲线 水力特性 single-ring infiltrometer soil hydraulic conductivity effective soil water content soil water reserved curve hydraulic property
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