

On the Construction of "Golden Course" in Colleges and Universities:Rethinking the Text Course Theory Based on Penner’s Autobiography
摘要 当今社会经济发展的深入推进及信息技术的广泛普及,给我国高校教学发展创造了更多机遇,同时也使其面临全新挑战。"金课"建设为高校课程建设指明了新的方向。本文以威廉派纳的自传文本课程理论为借鉴,探讨了"金课"建设的一种可行性路径,即树立学习者主体意识、突显知识主体构建、强化课程动态过程。希望这一独特的课程研究方法能丰富我国"金课"建设的理论构架,并为其提供重要的实践启发。 With the development of social economy and the popularization of information technology, the teaching development of colleges and universities in China has created more opportunities, but also made it face new challenges. The construction of "golden course" points out a new direction for the construction of university curriculum. Based on William Penner’s autobiographical text course theory, this paper discusses a feasible way to construct "golden course", that is, to establish learner’s subjective consciousness, to highlight the construction of knowledge subject, and to strengthen the dynamic process of curriculum. It is hoped that this unique curriculum research method can enrich the theoretical framework of "golden course" construction in China and provide important practical inspiration for it.
作者 魏周 黄建敏 WEI Zhou;HUANG Jianmin(Xi'an International Studies University,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710128)
机构地区 西安外国语大学
出处 《科教导刊》 2020年第32期39-40,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 西安外国语大学2017年度校级教学改革项目“复合型人才视野下‘专业+外语’人才培养模式优化研究”(17BYG30)。
关键词 金课 派纳 自传文本课程理论 建设路径 golden course Penner autobiographical text course theory construction path
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