
浙江省梅毒感染流动孕产妇预防母婴传播服务利用情况及其影响因素 被引量:10

Utilization of mother-to-child transmission prevention service and its influencing factors among migrant pregnant women with syphilis infection in Zhejiang province
摘要 目的了解浙江省梅毒感染流动孕产妇预防母婴传播服务利用情况及其影响因素,为优化“消除先天梅毒”策略提供参考依据。方法收集浙江省预防艾滋病、梅毒和乙肝母婴传播直报信息系统2013年1月1日—2017年12月31日上报的3738例梅毒感染流动孕产妇相关数据,分析其抗梅毒治疗和规范治疗情况及其影响因素。结果浙江省3738例梅毒感染流动孕产妇中,抗梅毒治疗者3081例,抗梅毒治疗率为82.4%;3081例抗梅毒治疗梅毒感染流动孕产妇中,规范治疗者2038例,规范治疗比例为66.1%。多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,少数民族、非在婚、孕早期进行检测、合并感染和产次≥1次的浙江省梅毒感染流动孕产妇更不易进行抗梅毒治疗;年龄≥30岁的浙江省抗梅毒治疗梅毒感染流动孕产妇更易进行规范治疗,非在婚和产次≥1次的浙江省抗梅毒治疗梅毒感染流动孕产妇更不易进行规范治疗。结论浙江省梅毒感染流动孕产妇抗梅毒治疗,尤其是规范治疗仍需提高;婚姻状况和产次是浙江省梅毒感染流动孕产妇抗梅毒治疗和规范治疗的共同影响因素。 Objective To examine the utilization of mother-to-child transmission prevention service and its influencing factors among migrant pregnant women with syphilis infection in Zhejiang province and to provide a reference for optimizing the strategies on prevention of mother-to-child transmission(PMTCT)of syphilis.Methods We extracted the data on 3738 migrant pregnant women with syphilis infection registered in Zhejiang province between January 1,2013 to December 31,2017 from national direct network report system for PMTCT of AIDS,syphilis and hepatitis B.The status and associated factors of anti-syphilis treatment and standardized therapy among the pregnant women were analyzed.Results Among all the pregnant women,3081(82.4%)had anti-syphilis treatment and of the women with the treatment,2083(66.1%)received standardized therapy.Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the pregnant women being ethnic minorities,unmarried,having early pregnancy detection,with co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)or hepatitis B virus(HBV),and having one or more parities were less likely to have anti-syphilis treatment;for the women with anti-syphilis treatment,those aged 30 years and above were more likely to have standardized therapy,while those unmarried or having one or more parities were less likely to have standardized therapy.Conclusion The anti-syphilis treatment,especially standardized therapy,needs to be improved and both the anti-syphilis treatment and standardized therapy are mainly influenced by marital status and the parity number among the migrant pregnant women with syphilis in Zhejiang province.
作者 孙瑜 施卸丽 邱丽倩 蒋梦涵 张晓辉 SUN Yu;SHI Xie-li;QIU Li-qian(Department of Women′s Health,Affiliated Women′s Hospital,School of Medicine,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang Provence 310006,China;不详)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期238-243,共6页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 中国性病艾滋病防治会艾伯维妇幼关爱与预防母婴传播基金(PMTCT2018-007) 浙江省科技厅软科学项目(2019C35028)。
关键词 梅毒感染 流动孕产妇 抗梅毒治疗 规范治疗 影响因素 syphilis infection migrant pregnant women anti-syphilis treatment standardized treatment influencing factor
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